
  • Edge


actions: Action[]

Array of action objects with detailed information.

direction?: string

Sets direction at junctions for line-guided vehicles, to be defined initially (vehicle-individual). Can be descriptive (left, right, middle, straight) or a frequency ("433MHz").

distance?: number

Distance of the path from startNode to endNode in meters. This value is used by line-guided AGVs to decrease their speed before reaching a stop position.

edgeDescription?: string

Verbose description of the edge.

edgeId: string

Unique edge identification

endNodeId: string

The nodeId of the end node.

length?: number

Distance of the path from startNode to endNode in meters. Optional: This value is used by line-guided AGVs to decrease their speed before reaching a stop position.

maxHeight?: number

Permitted maximum height of the vehicle, including the load, on edge. In meters.

maxRotationSpeed?: number

Maximum rotation speed in rad/s

maxSpeed?: number

permitted maximum speed of the agv on the edge in m/s. Speed is defined by the fastest point of the vehicle.

minHeight?: number

Permitted minimal height of the edge measured at the bottom of the load. In meters.

orientation?: number

Orientation of the AGV on the edge relative to the map coordinate origin (for holonomic vehicles with more than one driving direction). Example: orientation Pi/2 rad will lead to a rotation of 90 degrees. If AGV starts in different orientation, rotate the vehicle on the edge to the desired orientation if rotationAllowed is set to "true". If rotationAllowed is "false", rotate before entering the edge. If that is not possible, reject the order. If a trajectory with orientation is defined, follow the trajectories orientation. If a trajectory without orientation and the orientation field here is defined, apply the orientation to the tangent of the trajectory.

orientationType?: OrientationType

Enum GLOBAL, TANGENTIAL "GLOBAL"- relative to the global project specific map coordinate system; "TANGENTIAL"- tangential to the edge. If not defined, the default value is "TANGENTIAL".

released: boolean

If true, the edge is part of the base plan. If false, the edge is part of the horizon plan.

rotationAllowed?: boolean

If true, rotation is allowed on the edge.

sequenceId: number

Id to track the sequence of nodes and edges in an order and to simplify order updates. The variable sequenceId runs across all nodes and edges of the same order and is reset when a new orderId is issued.

startNodeId: string

The nodeId of the start node.

trajectory?: Trajectory

Trajectory JSON-object for this edge as a NURBS. Defines the curve on which the AGV should move between startNode and endNode. Optional: Can be omitted if AGV cannot process trajectories or if AGV plans its own trajectory.

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