Trajectory JSON-object for this edge as a NURBS. Defines the curve on which the AGV should move between startNode and endNode. Optional: Can be omitted if AGV cannot process trajectories or if AGV plans its own trajectory.

The trajectory is to be communicated as a NURBS and is defined in chapter 6.4. Trajectory segments are from the point where the AGV starts to enter the edge until the point where it reports that the next node was traversed.


  • Trajectory


controlPoints: ControlPoint[]

List of JSON controlPoint objects defining the control points of the NURBS. This includes the start and end point.

degree: number

Defines the number of control points that influence any given point on the curve. Increasing the degree increases continuity. If not defined, the default value is 1.

knotVector: number[]

Sequence of parameter values that determine where and how the control points affect the NURBS curve. knotVector has size of number of control points + degree + 1

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