
  • Node


actions: Action[]

Array of actions that are to be executed on the node. Their sequence in the list governs their sequence of execution.

nodeDescription?: string

Verbose Node Description.

nodeId: string

Unique node identification. For example: pumpenhaus_1, MONTAGE

nodePosition?: NodePosition

Defines the position on a map in world coordinates. Each floor has its own map. Precision is up to the specific implementation.

released: boolean

If true, the node is part of the base plan. If false, the node is part of the horizon plan.

sequenceId: number

Id to track the sequence of nodes and edges in an order and to simplify order updates. The main purpose is to distinguish between a node which is passed more than once within one orderId. The variable sequenceId can run across all nodes and edges of the same order and is reset when a new orderId is issued.

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