Defines the position on a map in world coordinates. Each floor has its own map. Precision is up to the specific implementation.

Node position. The object is defined in chapter 6.6. Optional: master control has this information. Can be sent additionally, e.g. for debugging purposes.


  • NodePosition


allowedDeviationTheta?: number

Indicates how big the deviation of theta angle can be. The lowest acceptable angle is theta - allowedDeviationTheta and the highest acceptable angle is theta + allowedDeviationTheta. If = 0: no deviation is allowed (no deviation means within the normal tolerance of the AGV manufacturer).

allowedDeviationXy?: number

Indicates how exact an AGV has to drive over a node in order for it to count as traversed. If = 0: no deviation is allowed (no deviation means within the normal tolerance of the AGV manufacturer). If > 0: allowed deviation-radius in meters. If the AGV passes a node within the deviation-radius, the node is considered to have been traversed.

mapDescription?: string

Verbose description of the Map

mapId: string

Unique identification of the map in which the position is referenced. Each map has the same origin of coordinates. When an AGV uses an elevator, e. g. leading from a departure floor to a target floor, it will disappear off the map of the departure floor and spawn in the related lift node on the map of the target floor.

theta?: number

Range: [-pi .. pi]. Orientation of the AGV on the node. Optional: vehicle can plan the path by itself. If defined, the AGV has to assume the theta angle on this node. If previous edge disallows rotation, the AGV is to rotate on the node. If following edge has a differing orientation defined but disallows rotation, the AGV is to rotate on the node to the edges desired rotation before entering the edge.

x: number

X coordinate described in the world coordinate system.

y: number

Y coordinate described in the world coordinate system.

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