Load object that describes the load if the AGV has information about it.


  • Load


boundingBoxReference?: BoundingBoxReference

This point describes the loads position on the AGV in the vehicle coordinates. The boundingBoxReference point is in the middle of the footprint of the load, so length/2 and width/2.

loadDimensions?: LoadDimensions

Dimensions of the load's bounding box in meters.

loadId?: string

Unique identification number of the load (e. g. barcode or RFID) Empty field if the AGV can identify the load but didn't identify the load yet. Optional if the AGV has cannot identify the load.

loadPosition?: string

Indicates which load handling/carrying unit of the AGV is used, e. g. in case the AGV has multiple spots/positions to carry loads. For example: front, back, positionC1, etc. Optional for vehicles with only one loadPosition.

loadType?: string

Type of load.

weight?: number

Weight of load in kg

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