
  • LoadSet


agvAccelerationLimit?: number

maximum allowed acceleration for this load-type and –weight

agvDecelerationLimit?: number

maximum allowed deceleration for this load-type and –weight

agvSpeedLimit?: number

maximum allowed speed for this load-type and –weight

boundingBoxReference?: LoadSetBoundingBoxReference

bounding box reference as defined in parameter loads[] in state-message

description?: number

free text description of the load handling set

dropTime?: number

approx. time for dropping the load

loadDimensions?: LoadSetLoadDimensions
loadPositions?: string[]

list of load positions btw. load handling devices, this load-set is valid for. If this parameter does not exist or is empty, this load-set is valid for all load handling devices on this AGV.

loadType: string

type of load e.g. EPAL, XLT1200, ….

maxLoadhandlingDepth?: number

maximum allowed depth for this load-type and –weight. references to boundingBoxReference

maxLoadhandlingHeight?: number

maximum allowed height for handling of this load-type and –weight. references to boundingBoxReference

maxLoadhandlingTilt?: number

maximum allowed tilt for this load-type and –weight

maxWeigth?: number

maximum weight of loadtype

minLoadhandlingDepth?: number

minimum allowed depth for this load-type and –weight. references to boundingBoxReference

minLoadhandlingHeight?: number

minimum allowed height for handling of this load-type and –weight. References to boundingBoxReference

minLoadhandlingTilt?: number

minimum allowed tilt for this load-type and –weight

pickTime?: number

approx. time for picking up the load

setName: string

Unique name of the load set, e.g. DEFAULT, SET1, ...

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