Type Aliases

The following type aliases are available globally.

ReturnEvent internal classes.

Additional type declarations.

  • Condition function type for IO routing rules.



    public typealias IoRoutingRuleConditionFunc = (
        _ source: IoSource,
        _ sourceNode: IoNode,
        _ actor: IoActor,
        _ actorNode: IoNode,
        _ context: IoContext,
        _ router: RuleBasedIoRouter) -> Bool?
  • A Position is an array of coordinates. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946#section-3.1.1 Array should contain between two and three elements. The previous GeoJSON specification allowed more elements (e.g., which could be used to represent M values), but the current specification only allows X, Y, and (optionally) Z to be defined.



    public typealias Position = [Double]
  • Defines a static type for sensor IO interfaces. It is used to create a new instance of this sensor using dependency injection in the sensor controller.



    public typealias ISensorStatic<T> = T.Type where T : ISensorIo