open class SensorSourceController : Controller
Manages a set of registered Sensors and provides a source for both Sensors and Sensor-related objects.
This controller is designed to be used by a server as a counterpart of a SensorObserverController.
You can either register the Sensors manually by calling registerSensor method
or do it automatically from the controller options by defining your Sensors
in a SensorDefinition array given in the sensors
option of the controller.
SensorSourceController also takes some other options (they all default to false):
- ignoreSensorDiscoverEvents: Ignores received discover events for registered sensors.
- ignoreSensorQueryEvents: Ignores received query events for registered sensors.
- skipSensorAdvertise: Does not advertise a sensor when registered.
- skipSensorDeadvertise: Does not deadvertise a sensor when unregistered.
open override func onInit()
open override func onCommunicationManagerStopping()