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Interface OpcuaIoActorOptions

Configuration options for the OpcuaIoActorController to be defined on the opcuaIoActorOptions property.

Defines IO actors for an OpcuaIoActorController. The given IO actor objects are associated with OPC UA variables as defined by the OpcuaOptions.dataSources property of this interface. Whenever a new IO value is received by a defined IO actor, the value is written to its associated OPC UA data source variable.


const opcuaIoActorOptions: OpcuaIoActorOptions = {
    endpointUrl: "opc.tcp://",
    connectionOptions: { ... },
    dataSources: {
        "PLC1.Tag1": {
            nodeIdentifier: { namespaceUri: "urn:NodeOPCUA-Server-default", identifierWithType: "i=2001" },
            dataType: "Int32",
    ioActors: {
         "PLC1.Tag1": {
             name: "S7-1500 PLC 1.Tag1",
             objectId: Runtime.newUuid(),
             objectType: CoreTypes.OBJECT_TYPE_IO_ACTOR,
             coreType: "IoActor",
             valueType: "plc.Tag1[Int32]",




Optional clientSubscriptionOptions

clientSubscriptionOptions: ClientSubscriptionOptions

Options to set up a common subscription for monitoring items in an OPC UA client (optional). See interface ClientSubscriptionOptions of node-opcua-client package.

If a subscription option is not specified, its default value is defined as follows:

   requestedPublishingInterval: 100,
   requestedLifetimeCount: 60,
   requestedMaxKeepAliveCount: 10,
   maxNotificationsPerPublish: 0,
   publishingEnabled: true,
   priority: 1

As all monitored OPC UA data item sources share the same client subscription, subscription options are applied to all of them. If you need different options for different monitored items, define them in separate OpcuaConnector instances.

Optional connectionOptions

connectionOptions: OPCUAClientOptions

Options to set up an OPC UA client (optional). See interface OPCUAClientOptions of node-opcua-client package.

Optional connectionUserIdentity

connectionUserIdentity: UserIdentityInfo

The user identity for a connection session (optional). If not specified, defaults to an unauthenticated anonymous user, i.e. UserTokenType.Anonymous.

See type UserIdentityInfo of node-opcua-client package.


dataSources: {}

An object hash that defines a set of OPC UA data sources to be monitored. The key of each data source is used as a unique identifier for mapping the data source onto a Coaty-specific publishing item.

Type declaration


endpointUrl: string

The specific endpoint URL of the OPC UA server, e.g. "opc.tcp://localhost:4334/UA/TestServer".


ioActors: {}

An object hash of IO actors to be associated with OPC UA variables to be written as defined by the OpcuaOptions.dataSources property of this interface.

Type declaration

  • [dataSourceIdentifier: string]: IoActor

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