Coaty Developer Guide

This document refers to Coaty 2. To upgrade to Coaty 2, take a look at the Migration Guide.

This document covers everything a developer needs to know about using the Coaty framework to implement collaborative IoT applications targeting Node.js, as well as mobile and web apps. We assume you know nothing about Coaty JS before reading this guide.

Table of Contents


Using the Coaty [koʊti] framework as a middleware, you can build distributed applications out of decentrally organized application components, so called Coaty agents, which are loosely coupled and communicate with each other in (soft) real-time. The main focus is on IoT prosumer scenarios where smart agents act in an autonomous, collaborative, and ad-hoc fashion. Coaty agents can run on IoT devices, mobile devices, in microservices, cloud or backend services.

The Coaty framework provides a production-ready application and communication layer foundation for building collaborative IoT applications in an easy-to-use yet powerful and efficient way. The key properties of the framework include:

Coaty supports interoperable framework implementations for multiple platforms. The Coaty JS package provides the cross-platform implementation targeted at JavaScript/TypeScript, running as mobile or web apps in the browser, or as Node.js services.

Coaty JS comes with complete API documentation, a Developer Guide, a Coding Style Guide, best-practice examples, and additional extensions.

Learn how to use

If you are new to Coaty or would like to learn more, we recommend reviewing the framework documentation of the coaty-js project. This documentation includes:

Coaty JS also includes a set of fully documented code examples that demonstrate best practices and typical usage patterns.

Coaty JS also includes a ready-to-use template for a Coaty agent running in Node.js and programmed in TypeScript. Copy and use it as a blueprint for your own Coaty agent projects.

Coaty JS is also accompanied by a set of additional extensions to the core framework supplied in separate projects on github. Extensions, such as connectors, adapters, or building blocks, provide reusable functionality for specialized use cases and application scenarios build on top of the Coaty core.

Finally, the integration tests delivered with the framework itself also provide a valuable source of programming examples for experienced developers.

Note that the framework makes heavy use of the Reactive Programming paradigm using RxJS observables. Understanding observables is an indispensable prerequisite for developing applications with the framework. An introduction to Reactive Programming can be found here. Examples and explanations can be found on the RxJS and Learn RxJS websites.

If you are new to TypeScript programming, we recommend to take a look at the official TypeScript website. Its “Playground” is especially useful to interactively try some TypeScript code in your browser.

To program Coaty applications, we recommend to use Visual Studio Code, a free, open source IDE that runs everywhere. Install the VS Code extension “TypeScript TSLint Plugin” to enable TypeScript linting within the IDE.

Getting started

To build and run Coaty agents with the Coaty JS technology stack you need to install the Node.js JavaScript runtime (version 8 or higher) globally on your target machine. Download and installation details can be found here.

The framework uses the package dependency manager npm to download dependent libraries. npm comes with Node.js so you need to install it first.

You can install the latest distribution package in your agent project as follows:

npm install @coaty/core

For detailed installation instructions, consult the README in section “Installing the framework”.

Framework technology stack

The Coaty JavaScript technology stack makes use of the following core technologies:

For communication bindings, the following messaging client libraries are used:

The framework can also make use of database driver packages to be required in combination with the Unified Storage API:

Framework structure

The Coaty framework consists of core and specialized modules, public APIs that can be independently consumed. The core module includes:

Functionality of the core module is consumed in your application by importing from the scoped npm package @coaty/core, e.g.:

import { AdvertiseEvent, Async, Container, Controller, Task } from "@coaty/core";

Moreover, specialized modules can be used independently by Coaty agents requiring functionality beyond the core. These modules may also be specific to a platform, like Node.js or browsers:

Functionality of a specialized module is consumed in your application by importing from @coaty/core/<module> or @coaty/core/<module>/<submodule>, e.g.:

import { DbContext } from "@coaty/core/db";
import { PostgresAdapter } from "@coaty/core/db/adapter-postgres";
import { Sensor, Thing } from "@coaty/core/sensor-things";
import { Aio, InputGpio, OutputGpio } from "@coaty/core/sensor-things/io";

The framework distribution package @coaty/core deploys all modules as ES5 sources in CommonJS module format, so they can be used by both Node.js and a browser.

The deployed JavaScript sources are meant to be used by a bundler such as Webpack, SystemJS Builder, Rollup, or Browserify or to be directly consumed by a Node.js runtime. The sources also include TypeScript type definitions providing support to TypeScript tooling for things like type checking and code completion (e.g. Intellisense in Visual Studio Code).

Framework design

Coaty JS is realized as an inversion of control (IOC) framework with a component design that supports dependency injection (DI) and lifecycle management (LM):

A Coaty agent project should interact with its Coaty container as follows:

  1. Define and configure all components that should be part of the container.
  2. Bootstrap the container on startup.
  3. Dynamically register components at run time (optional).
  4. Shutdown the container on exit or whenever it is no longer needed (optional).

Define and configure container components

By default, each Coaty container contains a Communication Manager, a Runtime, and a Configuration object. Application-specific controllers are classes derived from the base Controller class provided by the framework. They are declared as part of a container by the Components interface object.

import { Components } from "@coaty/core";

import { ProductionOrderController, SupportTaskController, WorkflowController } from "./controllers";

const components: Components = {
    controllers: {

The configuration options for the container components are specified by a separate Configuration interface object:

import { Configuration } from "@coaty/core";

const configuration: Configuration = {
    common: {
         // Common options shared among all container components
         agentIdentity: ... ,
         agentInfo: ... ,
    communication: {
          // Options used for communication
          binding: ...,
          shouldAutoStart: ... ,
    controllers: {
        // Controller-specific configuration options
        ProductionOrderController: {
        SupportTaskController: {
        WorkflowController: {

A container maintains an object of type Identity that provides metadata of the agent, including its name, a unique object ID, etc. This object can be initialized in common options by the agentInfo property. A Coaty agent keeps track of other agents in a Coaty network by monitoring agent identities. For details, see this section.

Tip: The common.extra property can be used to inject arbitrary service instances to be shared among controllers.

Bootstrap a Coaty container in Node.js

In a Node.js environment you can bootstrap a Coaty container synchronously on startup by registering and resolving the declared container components:

import { Container } from "@coaty/core";

const container = Container.resolve(components, configuration);

You can also retrieve the configuration object from a local JSON or JS file:

import { NodeUtils } from "@coaty/core/runtime-node";

const configuration = NodeUtils.provideConfiguration("app.config.json");

Alternatively, you can bootstrap a container asynchronously by retrieving the Configuration object from a Url:

import { Container } from "@coaty/core";
import { NodeUtils } from "@coaty/core/runtime-node";

// Returns a promise on a container for the given components and config options
    .then(container => ...);

Note that the Communication Manager can be started automatically after all container components have been resolved. To do this, set the configuration setting shouldAutoStart to true in the communication options (opt-in). Otherwise, you have to start the Communication Manager explicitely by invoking its start method.

Bootstrap a Coaty container in Angular or Ionic

Coaty projects built with Angular or Ionic can inject all components of a Coaty container as Angular providers to make use of Angular constructor dependency injection.

Use the provideComponents function to retrieve Angular providers for all components of the given Coaty container. The returned array of providers should be passed as extraProviders argument to the Angular bootstrap function:

import { platformBrowserDynamic } from "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic";

import { Container } from "@coaty/core";
import { provideComponents } from "@coaty/core/runtime-angular";

import { components, configuration } from "./app.config";
import { AppModule } from "./app.module";

const container = Container.resolve(components, configuration);

    .catch(err => console.error(err));

You can now use any of the container components as constructor dependencies in your Angular app or view components:

export class AppComponent {
        comManager: CommunicationManager,
        zone: NgZone
    ) {
        // Start Communication Manager inside Angular zone => comManager.start());

export class ViewComponent1 {
        private _container: Container,
        private _runtime: Runtime,
        private _productionOrderCtrl: ProductionOrderController
    ) {

Note that the Communication Manager should be started and stopped inside the Angular zone, so that Angular data bindings on observables returned by the Communication Manager are triggered whenever new events are emitted. In Angular, this can be achieved e.g. by starting/stopping the Communication Manager within a invocation on the Angular root component. You can also start/stop the Communication Manager inside every Angular view component or without using

In Ionic you can start the communication manager after the platform is ready:

export class MyApp {
        public platform: Platform,
        private _comManager: CommunicationManager) {

    initializeApp() {
        // Synchronous invocation in then clause are inside Angular zone implicitely.
        // For asynchronous invocation in then clause, explicitely wrap
        this.platform.ready().then(() => this._comManager.start());

As an alternative to the aforementioned approach, you can also create and resolve Coaty containers explicitely in an Angular service class. Then, inject this service into your view components to access the container components, such as controllers, communication manager, runtime and options. This approach is especially useful if you want to host multiple Coaty containers within your app, e.g. to embed distinct Coaty containers in lazy loaded Angular modules. The Coaty Remote Operations example uses this method.

The local communication flow between a Coaty controller and an Angular view component should be modelled by RxJS observables. Either use the Coaty event observables directly or create your own ones. Observables can be efficiently handled inside Angular view templates using the async pipe.

To optimize change detection on complex hierarchical Angular views, your Angular and Ionic view components that process data from Coaty events should always use the change detection strategy OnPush.

Subscriptions to observables retrieved by the Communication Manager should be unsubscribed as soon as they are no longer needed. If you bind an observable using the async pipe in Angular, associated subscriptions are automatically disposed before the view component is destroyed. If you subscribe to an observable explicitely in a view component, you should unsubscribe when the view is destroyed in the OnDestroy interface method.

Coaty and Angular CLI

If you make use of Angular CLI to bundle your Coaty web app for the browser, you have to consider the following topic. Starting with Angular CLI 6, the underlying webpack doesn’t configure any shims for Node.js any more. But Coaty JS binding libraries require some Node.js polyfills (for process, global, Buffer, etc.) when run in the browser.

To solve this problem, webpack needs to be reconfigured to polyfill or mock required Node.js globals and modules. This extra Node.js configuration is specified in a webpack.node-polyfills.config.js file in the root folder of the project:

module.exports = {
    // These options configure whether to polyfill or mock certain Node.js globals and modules.
    // This allows code originally written for the Node.js environment to run in other environments
    // like the browser.
    // Starting with Angular CLI 6, webpack doesn't configure these shims for Node.js global variables
    // any more by default. But some of these (process, global, Buffer, etc.) are required by
    // dependency modules of bindings (e.g. MQTT.js for MQTT binding, autobahn-js for WAMP binding)
    // when run in the browser.
    node: {
        // For MQTT.js
        console: false,
        global: true,
        process: true,
        __filename: "mock",
        __dirname: "mock",
        Buffer: true,
        setImmediate: true,

        // For autobahn-js
        fs: "empty",

        // See "Other node core libraries" for additional options:

The Angular project configuration in angular.json must be adjusted to integrate the custom webpack config file by using custom builders for the build and serve targets:

    "architect": {
        "build": {
          "builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:browser",
          "options": {
            "customWebpackConfig": {
                "path": "./webpack.node-polyfills.config.js"
        "serve": {
          "builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:dev-server",

Finally, install the custom builder as development dependency of your project:

npm install @angular-builders/custom-webpack --save-dev

Access Coaty container components

You can access the components or identity of a container directly using one of these accessors/methods:


Shut down a Coaty container

Before the Coaty agent exists, or if you no longer need the container, shut down the container to release all registered components and its allocated system resources:


The shutdown method shuts down all container controllers by invoking the component’s onDispose method (in arbitrary order). Finally, the Communication Manager’s onDispose method is called which unsubscribes all subscriptions and disconnects the agent from the communication infrastructure.

After invoking shutdown, the container and its components are no longer usable.

Note that the onDispose method of container components is only called when the container is shut down by invoking the shutdown method. You should not perform important side effects in onDispose, such as saving agent state persistently, because the onDispose method is not guaranteed to be called by the framework in every circumstance, e.g., when the agent process terminates abnormally or when the shutdown method is not used by your app.

Define an agent-specific controller class

Agent-specific controller classes realize custom business communication logic of a Coaty agent. A controller

In accordance with the design principle of separation of concerns, each custom controller class should encapsulate a single dedicated functionality.

To combine or aggregate the functionalities of multiple controllers, use a separate service class in your agent project (e.g. an injectable service in Angular) or define a superordinate controller that references the other controllers (see use of delegation design pattern in the next section).

Note that the Coaty framework provides some ready-to-use convenience controller classes that you can reuse in your agent project. For details, see this section.

The following template shows how to set up the basic structure of a custom controller class:

import { map } from "rxjs/operators";

import { Controller, CoreTypes, Task } from "@coaty/core";

export class SupportTaskController extends Controller {

    onInit() {

        // Define application-specific initializations here.

    onCommunicationManagerStarting() {

        // Set up observations for incoming events here.

    onCommunicationManagerStopping() {

        // Define application-specific cleanup tasks here.

    private _observeAdvertiseTask() {
            .pipe(map(event => as SupportTask))
            .subscribe(task => {
                // Do something whenever a support task object is advertised

You can define the onInit lifecycle method in your custom controller class to perform side effects when the container’s components have been set up completely. Although the base implementation does nothing you should ensure calling super.onInit() in your override method; especially if your custom controller class extends from another custom controller class and not from the base Controller class directly.

In your onInit override, you can also access other container components. For example, access another controller like this:

onInit() {
    // Cache another controller to be used later.
    this._tasksController = this.container.getController<TasksController>("TasksController");

You can override the following lifecycle methods in your custom controller class to perform side effects when the operating state of the Communication Manager changes (see section on Communication Manager below).


Usually, in the starting method, observers for incoming communication events are set up; whereas in the stopping method you should perform application-specific cleanup actions. Note that here you don’t need to unsubscribe RxJS Observable subscriptions returned by the Communication Manager, as this is done automatically.

Ensure you always call the corresponding super method in your overridden method.

Register controllers at run time

A controller can also be dynamically registered and resolved at run time:

const myCustomCtrl = container.registerController(
    { <controller configuration options> });

If your custom controller needs to access functionality of other controllers, two different design patterns can be used:

  1. Inheritance: Extend your controller class from another controller class.
  2. Delegation: provide instance member(s) that refer to the dependent controller(s).

By using the delegation pattern, your custom controller instance should set up the references to dependent controllers in the onInit lifecycle method as explained in the previous section. Here, you can also dynamically create and register a dependent controller that has not been configured in the container configuration by using Container.registerController.

Note that the delegation design pattern supports exchanging communication events between your custom controller and its dependent controllers. This is not possible with the inheritance pattern.

Controllerless Coaty containers

Although not recommended, you can run a Coaty container without any controllers. This is useful if your application is designed in such a way that communication functionality must be directly embedded into your existing business logic.

In this case, access the container’s communication manager directly to publish and observe communication events. A minimal Coaty container without controllers can be set up as follows:

const container = Container.resolve({}, { <configuration options> });

// Use CommunicationManager directly.

Object model

The Coaty framework provides an opinionated set of core object types to be used or extended by Coaty applications. These Coaty objects are the subject of communication between Coaty agents. The core type hierarchy is defined in the @coaty/core module and looks as follows:

  |-- Annotation
  |-- Identity
  |-- IoContext
  |-- IoNode
  |-- IoSource
  |-- IoActor
  |-- Location
  |-- Log
  |-- Snapshot
  |-- Task
  |-- User

Note: Besides these core types, the framework also provides dedicated object types to manage sensor data. These object types are defined in the @coaty/sensor-things module and explained in detail in the guide on OGC SensorThings API integration.

Coaty objects are characterized as follows:

To enable the distributed system architecture to uniquely identify an object without central coordination, each object has an object ID as a Version 4 UUID. You can create UUIDs at runtime using the Runtime class: It provides both a static as well as an instance method to generate UUIDs:

// Static UUID creation

// Instance-based UUID creation

The base CoatyObject interface defines the following generic properties:

interface CoatyObject {
  coreType: "CoatyObject" | ...;
  objectType: string;
  name: string;
  objectId: Uuid;
  externalId?: string;
  parentObjectId?: Uuid;
  locationId?: Uuid;
  isDeactivated?: boolean;

The property coreType is the framework core type name of the object; it corresponds with the name of the interface that defines the object’s shape.

The objectType property is the concrete type name of the object in a canonical form. It should be defined using a hierarchical naming pattern with some levels in the hierarchy separated by periods (., pronounced “dot”) to avoid name collisions, following Java package naming conventions (i.e. com.domain.package.Type). All predefined object types use the form coaty.<InterfaceName>, e.g. coaty.CoatyObject (see constants in CoreTypes class). Do not use the reserved toplevel namespace coaty.* for your application defined object types.

The concrete and core type names of all predefined object types are defined as static properties of the CoreTypes class in the framework model module.

The name property defines a descriptive name for the object.

The objectId property defines the unique identity of an object within the system.

The optional externalId property defines the identity of an object relative to an external system, such as the primary key for this object in an external database. Note that external IDs are not guaranteed to be unique across the whole universe of system objects. Usually, external IDs are only unique for a specific type of objects.

The optional parentObjectId property refers to the UUID of the parent object. It is used to model parent-child relationships of objects. For example, Annotation objects can be modelled as children of target objects they are attached to.

The optional locationId property refers to the UUID of the Location object that this object is associated with.

The optional isDeactivated property marks an object that is no longer used. The concrete definition meaning of this property is defined by the Coaty application. The property value is optional and defaults to false.

Application specific object types can be defined based on the predefined core object types by adding additional property-value pairs. Allowed value types must conform to JSON data types.

Define domain-specific object types

Simply extend one of the predefined object types of the framework and specify a canonical object type name for the new object:

import { Task, User } from "@coaty/core";

export const modelTypes = {
    OBJECT_TYPE_HELLO_WORLD_TASK: "com.helloworld.Task",

 * Represents a Hello World task or task request.
export interface HelloWorldTask extends Task {

     * Level of urgency of the HelloWorldTask
    urgency: HelloWorldTaskUrgency;

 * Defines urgency levels for HelloWorld tasks
export enum HelloWorldTaskUrgency {

A HelloWorldTask object can be created as follows (within a controller class):

const taskIssuer: User = {
    objectId: "464be2ed-bb1d-40b2-9943-944f3a2c5720",
    coreType: "User",
    objectType: CoreTypes.OBJECT_TYPE_USER,
    name: "",
    names: { formatted: "HelloWorld Task Issuer" },

const task: HelloWorldTask = {
    objectId: this.runtime.newUuid(),
    objectType: modelTypes.OBJECT_TYPE_HELLO_WORLD_TASK,
    coreType: "Task",
    name: `Hello World Task`,
    creatorId: taskIssuer.objectId,
    status: TaskStatus.Request,
    urgency: HelloWorldTaskUrgency.Critical,

Communication event patterns

By default, each Coaty container has a Communication Manager component that is registered implicitely with the container. It provides an essential set of one-way and two-way communication event patterns to exchange object data in a decentralized Coaty application:

Coaty not only provides one-way communication event patterns, such as Advertise and Channel, that support classic publish-subscribe interaction between Coaty agents. With two-way event patterns, request-response interaction between Coaty agents can be realized, similar to, for example, HTTP/REST or RPC.

While traditional request-response interaction is always directed towards a single concrete endpoint that must be known by the requester, Coaty two-way request-response event patterns share the characteristics of publish-subscribe communication: A request event is always directed towards all subscribers which are interested in this kind of event. Response events are published by all subscribers that are willing to provide answers. This means that response events for a single request event can be provided independently by multiple subscribers, and each subscriber can publish multiple responses over time.

The use case specific logic implemented by the requester determines how to handle such responses. For example, the requester can decide to

Using this “open channel” communication, you can realize advanced interaction scenarios beyond classic request-response in a very simple way. For example, by introducing live queries, a Query event responder could monitor the database for changes and publish a Retrieve event with the latest query result every time the concerned data is updated. In this way, inefficient manual database polling is replaced by an efficient automatic push-based approach that helps your application feel quick and responsive.

To give you another example, it may be desirable for some remote operation calls to have a progressive series of call results, e.g. to return partial data in chunks or progress status of long running operations, even simultaneously by different callees.

Internally, events are emitted and received by the Communication Manager using a specific publish-subscribe messaging transport abstracted by communication bindings. Events are passed to Coaty controllers by following the Reactive Programming paradigm using RxJS observables.

The Communication Manager provides features to transparently control the underlying publish-subscribe communication layer, including auto-reconnect, automatic re-subscription upon connection, and queued offline publishing.

When initializing the Communication Manager you can customize characteristics of the underlying communication binding in the configuration property CommunicationOptions.binding.

Starting and stopping communication

Use the CommunicationManager.start() method to connect to the underlying communication infrastructure. Note that the Communication Manager automatically starts after the container is resolved if the communication option shouldAutoStart is set to true (opt-in). While started, the communication manager automatically tries to reconnect periodically whenever the communication connection is lost.

Use the CommunicationManager.start(options) method to re-establish communication with new communication options.

Use the CommunicationManager.stop method to permanently disconnect from the underlying communication infrastructure. Afterwards, events are no longer dispatched and emitted. You can start the Communication Manager sometime later using the start method.

Whenever the operating state of the Communication Manager changes by invoking one of the above method calls all the controllers of the container are notified by the following lifecycle methods:


When used inside Angular or Ionic, the Communication Manager must be started inside an Angular zone, so that Angular data bindings on observables returned by the Communication Manager are triggered whenever new events are emitted. In Ionic, this can e.g. be achieved by starting the Communication Manager from within the platformReady callback on the Ionic root component or from within any Ionic Component Page.

Use the CommunicationManager.observeCommunicationState method to observe communication state changes of the underlying messaging transport connection to the Coaty communication infrastructure (i.e. online or offline). Usage of this feature is further simplified by the convenience method NodeUtils.logCommunicationState and by a convenience controller class named ConnectionStateController.

Publishing events

Use publishAdvertise to send Advertise events. The core type (coreType) and the object type (objectType) of the advertised object is used to deliver corresponding events to parties observing Advertise events for the same core or object type.

Use publishDeadvertise to send Deadvertise events for objects by specifying their object IDs.

Use publishChannel to send Channel events. A channel identifier must be specified. It is used to deliver the channeled objects to parties observing Channel events for the same channel identifier.

Use publishDiscover to send Discover events. The observable returned will emit all the Resolve events which are direct responses to the published request. Be aware that multiple Resolve events may be emitted from different parties which may have different payloads: some may be responding with an object, some with related objects, and some with both. Your Resolve event handler must differentiate these cases carefully. For example, if you are discovering an object ID and you are only interested in related objects (e.g. annotation objects) you have to ignore response events which only provide an object but no related objects. The DiscoverEventData class provides convenience methods to differentiate between supported payloads: isDiscoveringExternalId, isDiscoveringObjectId, isDiscoveringExternalAndObjectId, isDiscoveringTypes, isCoreTypeCompatible, isObjectTypeCompatible. The matchesObject method can be used to determines whether a given object matches the requirements of incoming discover event data.

Use publishUpdate to send Update events. The observable returned will emit all the Complete events which are direct responses to the published request.

Use publishQuery to send Query events. The observable returned will emit all the Retrieve events which are direct responses to the published request.

Use publishCall to send Call events. The observable returned will emit all the Return events which are direct responses to the published request.

Note that by design, there is no echo suppression of communication events. The communication manager dispatches any incoming event to every controller that observes it, even if the controller published this event itself.

If echo suppression of communication events is required for your custom controller, place it into its own container and filter out observed events whose event source ID equals the object ID of the container’s identity, like this:

    .pipe(filter(event => event.sourceId !== this.container.identity.objectId))
    .subscribe(event => {
        // Handle non-echo events only.

Note that all publish methods for request-response event patterns, i.e. publishDiscover, publishUpdate, publishQuery, and publishCall publish the specified event lazily, i.e not until the first observer subscribes to the observable returned by the method. In this way race conditions on the response event can be avoided. After all initial subscribers have unsubscribed no more response events will be emitted on the observable. Instead, errors will be emitted to all subsequent resubscribers.

Note that RxJS subscriptions of Observables returned by request-response publish methods are automatically disposed when the communication manager is stopped, in order to release system resources and to avoid memory leaks. It is therefore recommended to set up all these publish methods anew in the controller’s onCommunicationManagerStarting() method.

However, you should still unsubscribe as early as possible, i.e. as soon as the expected response event(s) have been received; e.g. by using the RxJS take or timeout operators like the following:

import { take, timeout } from "rxjs/operators";

        // Unsubscribe automatically after first response event arrives.

        // Issue an error notification if no response is emitted within 2000ms.
        event => {
            // Handle the first response event; all others are discarded.
        error => {
            // Handle timeout.

A similar coding pattern to manually unsubscribe from observables that are no longer needed uses the RxJS takeUntil operator with an RxJS Subject like the following:

import { Subject } from "rxjs";
import { takeUntil } from "rxjs/operators";
import { Controller } from "@coaty/core";

class MyController extends Controller {

    private _stopped$ = new Subject();

    onCommunicationManagerStarting() {

                // After first emission on the stopped subject, stop processing and unsubscribe.
            .subscribe(event => {
                // Handle response events until stopped subject emits.

    handleResponseEvent(event: ResolveEvent) {

        // Process the received event data...

        if (shouldFinishProcessing) {
            // Cancel processing of response events by emitting a value.

This pattern is especially useful if you want to unsubscribe from multiple observables on an external trigger. However, note that the takeUntil operator should always be the last operator in a pipe, so that previous operators that involve subscriptions of another observable source are properly unsubscribed as well and don’t leak. A detailed explanation is given here.

Observing events

Use any of the observeDiscover, observeQuery, observeUpdateWithCoreType, observeUpdateWithObjectType, observeCall, observeAdvertiseWithCoreType, observeAdvertiseWithObjectType, observeDeadvertise, observeChannel methods to observe incoming request events in your agent. For observeDiscover, observeQuery, observeUpdateWithCoreType, observeUpdateWithObjectType, or observeCall, invoke the resolve, retrieve, complete, or returnEvent method on the received event object to send a response event.

Note that there is no guarantee that response events are ever delivered by the Discover, Query, Update, and Call communication patterns. Depending on your system design and context such a communication pattern might return no responses at all or not within a certain time interval. In your agent project, you should handle these cases by chaining a timeout handler to the observable returned by the observe method (see code examples in the next sections).

Note that RxJS subscriptions of Observables returned by CommunicationManager.observe...() methods are automatically disposed when the communication manager is stopped, in order to release system resources and to avoid memory leaks. It is therefore recommended to set up all these observation requests anew in the controller’s onCommunicationManagerStarting() method.

Deferred publication and subscription of events

Execution of the above publish and observe methods will be automatically deferred, if the Communication Manager is either stopped or started but offline, i.e. not connected currently.

All your subscriptions issued while the Communication Manager is stopped or started (both online and offline) will be (re)applied when it (re)connects again. Publications issued while the Communication Manager is stopped or offline will be applied only after the next (re)connect. Publications issued in online state will not be deferred, i.e. not reapplied after a reconnect.

If you stop the Communication Manager by executing its stop method, all deferred publications and subscriptions will be discarded.


To separate the communication traffic of different Coaty applications running in the same networking infrastructure (e.g. on the same MQTT broker), Coaty adds a namespacing mechanism. Communication events are only routed between agents within a common communication namespace.

You should specify a namespace string in the communication options (CommunicationOptions.namespace). If not specified (default) or empty, the agent is assigned a default namespace named “-“.

To enable cross-namespace communication between agents in special use cases, e.g. for monitoring purposes, an agent can choose to receive communication events published by any agent in the same networking infrastructure, regardless of namespace (see CommunicationOptions.shouldEnableCrossNamespacing). By default, this option is not enabled.

Note that communication namespacing is not supported for Raw events and IO value events with external routes.

The Advertise event is used to communicate Coaty objects to agents interested in a specific type of object. Advertise events can be observed based on either an object’s core type (coreType) or an object’s object type (objectType).

import { filter, map } from "rxjs/operators";

// Publish an Advertise event for a Task object

// Observe Advertise events on all objects of core type "Task"
        map(event => as Task),
        filter(task => task.status === TaskStatus.Request)
    .subscribe(task => {
         // Handle task request emitted by Advertise event

// Observe Advertise events on objects of object type "com.helloworld.Task"
        map(event => as HelloWorldTask),
        filter(task => task.status === TaskStatus.Request)
    .subscribe(task => {
         // Handle HelloWorld task request emitted by Advertise event

Deadvertise event pattern - an example

The Deadvertise event works in combination with the Advertise event. By publishing a Deadvertise event with the unique object ID of an object, you can notify observers that this object (which has been advertised earlier) is no longer available:

import { map } from "rxjs/operators";

const object: CoatyObject = {
    objectid: "3b820148-e3e1-42d6-8d20-425e54670b06",

// Publish a Deadvertise event

// Observe Deadvertise events
    .pipe(map(event =>
    .subscribe(objectIds => {
        // Handle object IDs of deadvertised objects which have been advertised previously

This concept is especially useful in combination with abnormal termination of an agent and the last will concept of broker-based pub/sub systems. On connection to the broker, the communication manager of a Coaty container sends a last will message consisting of a Deadvertise event with the object ID of its identity component. Whenever the agent disconnects normally or abnormally, the broker publishes its last will message to all subscribers which observe Deadvertise events. For details, see this section.

Using this pattern, agents can detect the online/offline state of other Coaty agents and act accordingly. One typical use case is to set the parent object ID (or a custom property) of advertised application root objects originating from a specific Coaty agent to the identity ID of the agent’s container. In case this agent is disconnected, other agents can observe Deadvertise events and check whether one of the deadvertised object IDs correlates with the parent object ID (or custom property) of any application root object the agent is managing and invoke specific actions.

To ease programming this pattern, Coaty provides a convenience controller class named ObjectLifecycleController. It keeps track of specific agents/objects in a Coaty network by monitoring identity components of communication managers, controllers or custom object types. The controller observes advertisements and deadvertisements of such objects and initially discovers them. Changes are emitted on an observable that applications can subscribe to.

If you want to programm this pattern explicitely, the following example shows how to observe the online/offline state of things and sensors with the Sensor Things API.

The sensor device advertises the associated Thing object:

import { SensorThingsTypes, Thing } from "@coaty/core/sensor-things";

// This Thing object represents a sensor device
const thing: Thing = {
    name: "My Thing",
    objectType: SensorThingsTypes.OBJECT_TYPE_THING,
    coreType: "CoatyObject",
    objectId: ...,

// Associate communication manager's identity with thing
thing.parentObjectId = this.container.identity.objectId;
// Publish an Advertise event for Thing object

An agent can observe the sensor device connection state as follows:

import { map } from "rxjs/operators";
import { SensorThingsTypes, Thing } from "@coaty/core/sensor-things";

// Observe Advertise events on Thing objects
    .pipe(map(event => as Thing))
    .subscribe(thing => {
         // Store thing for later use

// Observe Deadvertise events
    .pipe(map(event =>
    .subscribe(objectIds => {
        const offlineThings = this.onlineThings.filter(t => objectIds.some(id => id === t.parentObjectId));
        // These things are no longer online.
        // Remove them from the onlineThings cache and perform side effects...

Channel event pattern - an example

The Channel event provides a very efficient way of pushing any type of Coaty objects to observers that share a specific channel identifier. It differs from Advertise events in that these are pushing objects of specific core or object types to interested observers.

import { filter } from "rxjs/operators";

const channelId = "42";
const myObject = <any coaty object>;

// Publish a Channel event
    .publishChannel(ChannelEvent.withObject(channelId, myObject));

// Observe Channel events for the given channel ID
    .pipe(filter(event =>
    .subscribe(obj => {
         // Handle object emitted by channel event

Discover - Resolve event pattern - an example

The two-way Discover-Resolve communication pattern can be used to discover Coaty objects of a certain core or object type and/or with a certain object ID or external ID.

For example, by scanning the QR Code of a physical asset, which encodes its external ID, the Discover event can resolve the Coaty object representation of this asset.

import { filter, map, take, timeout } from "rxjs/operators";

// QR Code of asset
const externalId = "42424242";

// Publish a Discover event and observe first Resolve event response
        map(event =>,
        object => {
            // Handle object in Resolve response event
        error => {
            // No response has been received within the given timeout period
            this.logError(error, "Failed to discover external ID");

// Observe Discover events and respond with a Resolve event
    .pipe(filter(event =>
    .subscribe(event => {
         // Agent-specific lookup of an object with given external ID.
         // Alternatively, use `` here to find a
         // match in a collection of objects.
         const object = findObjectWithExternalId(;
         // Respond with found object in Resolve event

Note that the Resolve event cannot only respond with a matching object, but can alternatively or additionally provide related objects. The logic of resolving Discover events is application specific and defined by the resolving agent. For example, a Discover event that specifies an external id in combination with the object types Thing and Sensor could be resolved by returning the Thing object with the given external id and all sensor objects associated with this thing as related objects.

To share object state between Coaty agents, the Discover-Resolve event pattern is often used in combination with the Advertise event pattern. One agent advertises new object state whenever it changes; other agents that are interested in object state changes observe this kind of Advertise event. To ensure that any interested agent immediately gets the latest object state on connection, it should initially publish a Discover event for the object state. The agent that advertises object state should observe these Discover events and resolve the current object state.

The ObjectCacheController class applies this principle to look up and cache objects with certain object IDs. In your own code, you can easily implement this principle by merging the two observables emitting Resolve events and Advertise events as follows:

import { merge } from "rxjs";
import { filter, map } from "rxjs/operators";

const discoveredTasks = this.communicationManager
        filter(event => !== undefined),
        map(event => as HelloWorldTask)

const advertisedTasks = this.communicationManager
        map(event => as HelloWorldTask),
        filter(task => task !== undefined)

return merge(discoveredTasks, advertisedTasks)
            .subscribe(task => {
                // Handle discovered and advertised tasks as they are emitted.

Query - Retrieve event pattern - an example

The following example shows how objects can be seamlessly and transparently retrieved from a database by publishing a Query event that specifies filtering, join, and ordering criteria.

This example uses the Unified Storage API to retrieve objects from a persistent or in-memory database. If you implement your own object storage method, use the QueryEventData.matchesObject() method to find stored objects that match the requirements of given query event data.

import { filter, take, timeout } from "rxjs/operators";

// Select log objects by filter conditions, then order and paginate results
const filter: ObjectFilter = {
    conditions: {
        and: [["logLevel", filterOp.between(LogLevel.Debug, LogLevel.Error)],
              ["logTags", filterOp.contains(["client", "service"])]]
    skip: 200,
    take: 100,
    orderByProperties: [["logDate", "Desc"], ["logLevel", "Asc"]]

// Resolve object reference to property 'locationId‘ as extra property
// named 'resolvedLocation'
const joinCondition: JoinCondition = {
    localProperty: "locationId",
    asProperty: "resolvedLocation",
    isOneToOneRelation: true

// On the querying side, an agent publishes a Query event for Log objects
// with the given filter and join conditions and handles the results.
    .publishQuery(QueryEvent.withCoreTypes(["Log"], filter, joinCondition))
        // Issue an error if queryTimeoutMillis elapses without any event received
        event => {
            // Handle resulting log objects emitted by Retrieve event
            const logs = as Log[];
        error => {
            // No response has been received within the given period of time
            this.logError(error, "Failed to query log objects");

// On the retrieving side, an agent observes queries for Log objects
// and responds with a Retrieve event that contains results looked up
// from a database.
  .pipe(filter(event =>"Log")))
  .subscribe(event => {
    const dbJoinCond = DbContext.getDbJoinConditionsFrom(,
        localProperty: "locationId",
        fromCollection: "location",
        fromProperty: "objectId"
      .findObjects<Log>("log",, dbJoinCond)
      .then(iterator => iterator.forBatch(logs => {
      .catch(error => {
         // In case of retrieval error, do not respond with a
         // Retrieve event. The sender of the query should
         // implement proper timeout handling.

Update - Complete event pattern - an example

The Update-Complete pattern is used to update and synchronize object state across agents. An agent can request or suggest an object update and receive accomplishments by Complete events.

An Update request or proposal specifies an entire Coaty object as event data.

A responding Complete event signals accomplishment with the entire (usually changed) object as event data. This approach avoids complex merging operations of incremental change deltas in the agents. Since objects are treated as immutable entities on the agent this approach is in line.

The Update-Complete pattern can also be used to propose potential object changes. Observes can then express how to accept the proposal by responding with a Complete event with modified properties.

import { take, map } from "rxjs/operators";

// Publish an Update event on a finished task object and observe first
// Complete event response from a persistent storage agent.
                objectId: "ea71320b-ac1b-45b1-abb1-8298d21e7f63",
                name: "MyTask",
                coreType: "Task",
                objectType: "mycompany.MyTask",
                creatorId: "b3aa27ae-deca-4e52-ab43-30c4c220e46e",
                creationTimestamp: ...,
                status: TaskStatus.Done,
        // Unsubscribe automatically after first response event arrives.
        map(event => as Task),
        task => {
            // Task has been persisted...

// The persistent storage agent observes task updates and stores
// the changed object in a database. Afterwards, it responds
// with a Complete event containing the updated object.
    .subscribe(event => {
        const task =;

        // Update task in database.

        // Signal completion.

Call - Return event pattern - an example

The Call-Return pattern is used to request execution of remote operations between agents. It is a one-to-many, two-way communication pattern where an agent can request an operation with parameters to be performed by other agents that are observing this operation and that can return results - or errors in case the operation fails - to the requesting agent.

Unlike with classic remote procedure call (RPC), the Call-Return pattern supports non-blocking remote operations to be executed by multiple remote agents. The calling agent does not need to have any knowledge what other agents are currently offering the operation, where these agents reside or how to address them. This opens up the possibility to realize dynamic scenarios such as load balancing or failover for remote operation calls. The calling agent can also specify a context filter that defines conditions under which the operation should be performed by a remote agent.

Typical use cases of the Call-Return pattern include smart distribution of computational workloads to dedicated worker agents, and non safety critical, non latency sensitive decentralized command and control applications.

If you intend to use this pattern for safety critical remote operations, always consider strong encryption/security between Coaty agents and the broker, strong authentication and authorization, a higher QoS level, separate encryption of parameters/results, and a failure-tolerant broker implementation.

The following code snippet shows how to publish and observe Call events and how to handle results delivered by Return events. You can find a complete and fully documented code example that demonstrates the use of remote operations here.

import { CallEvent, ContextFilter, filterOp } from "@coaty/core";

// Publish a Call event to switch on all lights with 70% brightness on the
// 6th, 7th, and 8th floor and observe all Return events received from light control agents.
const contextFilter: ContextFilter = { conditions: ["floor", filterOp.between(6, 8)] };

            { status: "on", brightness: 0.7 },
        returnEvent => {
            if ( {
                // An error has been returned by a light control agent.
                console.log(;           // 10001
                console.log(;        // "Failed"
                console.log(;        // { lightId: "<id of light>" }
            } else {
                // A light has been switched on/off successfully by a light control agent.
                console.log(;               // true
                console.log(;        // { lightId: "<id of light>" }
import { RemoteCallErrorCode, RemoteCallErrorMessage, ReturnEvent } from "@coaty/core";

// A light control agent observes requests for switching on/off an associated light
// in its execution context (i.e 7th floor). If the context matches the passed in
// context filter, the Call event is emitted on the subscription handler which responds
// with a Return event.
const context: LightControlContext = {
    coreType: "CoatyObject",
    objectId: this.runtime.newUuid(),
    objectType: "com.mydomain.lights.LightControlContext",
    name: "LightControlContext for seventh floor",
    floor: 7,

this.communicationManager.observeCall("com.mydomain.lights.switchLight", context)
    .subscribe(event => {
        // For each remote call that matches the given context, a Call event is emitted.
        const status ="status");
        const brightness ="brightness");

        const executionInfo = { lightId: this.lightId };

        switch (status) {
            case "on":
                // Try to switch light on with requested brightness, then return result or error.
                switchLightOn(this.lightId, brightness)
                    .then(() => event.returnEvent(ReturnEvent.withResult(true, executionInfo)))
                    .catch(error => event.returnEvent(ReturnEvent.withError(10001, "Failed", executionInfo)));
            case "off":
                // Try to switch light off, then return result or error.
                    .then(() => event.returnEvent(ReturnEvent.withResult(true, executionInfo)))
                    .catch(error => event.returnEvent(ReturnEvent.withError(10002, "Failed", executionInfo)));
                // Invalid parameter, return an error immediately.

The name of the remote operation should be defined using a hierarchical naming pattern with some levels in the hierarchy separated by periods (., pronounced “dot”) to avoid name collisions, following Java package naming conventions (i.e. com.domain.package.operationname).

Operation parameters (optional) must be specified either by-position through a JSON array or by-name through a JSON object. On the remote end, individual parameters can be retrieved by using either the getter CallEventData.parameters or the methods CallEventData.getParameterbyName(<name>), or CallEventData.getParameterbyIndex(<zero-based index>).

To prevent security vulnerabilities, always validate the operation parameters on the remote end and the operation results on the calling end. If invalid parameters are encountered, respond with an InvalidParams error Return event.

If given, an (optional) context filter defines contextual constraints by conditions that must match a local context object provided by the remote end in order to allow execution of the remote operation. A context filter is defined by the ContextFilter interface. Note that you can also use an ObjectFilter (as used by the Query-Retrieve event pattern) because its interface definition extends the ContextFilter interface.

On the remote end, a context object (any Coaty object) to be matched against the context filter of the incoming Call event data can be specified. It determines whether the Call event should be emitted or skipped by the observable. A Call event is not emitted by the observable if:

In all other cases, the Call event is emitted.

Tip: If your application needs to perform a more complex logic of context matching (e.g. if the context cannot be described by a single Coaty object), simply invoke observeCall without context parameter and realize a custom matching logic with an RxJS filter operator:

import { filter } from "rxjs/operators";

    .pipe(filter(event => isMatchingFilter(
    .subscribe(event => ...);

If the remote operation executes successfully, the agent should respond with a Return event passing in the operation result (any JSON value). If the operation fails, the agent should respond with a Return event passing in an error object, containing code and message properties.

The error message provides a short description of the error. The error code given is an integer that indicates the error type that occurred, either a predefined error or an application defined one. Predefined error codes are within the range -32768 to -32000. Any code within this range, but not defined explicitly in the table below is reserved for future use. Application defined error codes must be defined outside this range.

Error Code Error Message
-32602 Invalid params

All predefined error codes and messages are defined by the enums RemoteCallErrorCode and RemoteCallErrorMessage, respectively.

The optional executionInfo property (any JSON value) in Return event data may be used to specify additional parameters of the execution environment, such as the execution time of the operation, or the ID of the operated control unit.

Raw event pattern - an example

A Coaty agent can act as a gateway to an external system that communicates with the same communication protocol that Coaty is using. The agent can then publish and subscribe to external messages, so called Raw events. You can also use Raw events to transfer arbitrary binary data between Coaty agents.

Use publishRaw to publish a raw message on a publication topic string, with payload data (of type string or Uint8Array (or Buffer in Node.js, a subclass thereof), and optional publication options. Note that the topic format and the publication options are specific to the communication binding used. The payload data format is application specific.

For example, with the MQTT communication binding in place, you can publish a raw MQTT message with a retain flag set as follows:

    "30 degreeCelsius",
        retain: true

Likewise, use observeRaw to observe matching incoming messages on raw subscription topics. The observable returned by calling observeRaw emits messages as tuples including the actual publication topic and the payload. Payload is represented as Uint8Array (or Buffer in Node.js, a subclass thereof) and needs to be decoded by the application. Use the toString method on a payload to convert the raw data to a UTF8 encoded string.

For example, to observe raw MQTT messages of all temperature sensors in the above example:

    .subscribe(([topic, payload]) => {
        console.log("Publication topic:", topic);
        console.log("Payload data:", payload.toString());

Notes: To unobserve a given raw subscription topic, simply unsubscribe any subscriptions on the returned observable, either explicitely or implicitely (by using RX operators such as take or takeUntil).

Only incoming messages that are not non-raw Coaty communication events are dispatched to raw message observers. If you observe raw topics that have a Coaty event like topic structure, matching incoming messages will never be emitted.

Distributed lifecycle management

A Coaty agent can keep track of other agents or specific Coaty objects by monitoring agent identities or custom object types which are advertised by joining agents and deadvertised by leaving agents.

An agent’s identity is a Coaty object of core type Identity. It is initialized by the agent container with default property values. You can customize and configure specific properties of this object, usually its name, by specifying them in the common configuration options (CommonOptions.agentIdentity).

Whenever the Communication Manager is started, it advertises the agent’s identity automatically. Additionally, the Communication Manager resolves its agent’s identity to other Coaty agents by observing Discover events with core type Identity or with the object ID of its own agent identity.

Whenever the Communication Manager is stopped, it deadvertises the agent’s identity automatically and stops resolving its own identity to other agents.

Tracking agent identities also supports abnormal disconnection or termination of an agent, e.g. when the connection is lost temporarily or when its process crashes or is killed. Coaty realizes a “last will” concept for distributed Coaty applications. It ensures that even when the Communication Manager disconnects abnormally, all other Coaty agents receive a Deadvertise event with the object ID of the terminating agent’s identity.

To ease programming this pattern, Coaty provides a convenience controller class named ObjectLifecycleController. Using this class, you can not only keep track of agent identities but also of any other application-specific Coaty object types.

IO Routing

Coaty supports dynamic contextual routing of arbitrary data from IO sources (i.e producers) to IO actors (i.e. consumers). IO sources publish IoValue events that transfer data values of a certain value type to IO actors. An IO router, a specialized Coaty controller component, dynamically establishes routes between IO sources and IO actors based on context information. Backpressure strategies enable data transfer rate controlled publishing of IO values. Data transfer rates are negotiated between IO source and IO actors by the IO router to cope with IO values that are more rapidly produced than consumed.

The IO routing concept defines the following components:

The following constraints apply to IO routing:

IO Routing communication event flow

The communication event flow of IO routing comprises the following steps:

  1. IoNode objects for specific IO contexts are advertised/deadvertised by the communication manager when it starts/stops based on the IO node definitions specified in the container configuration under CommonOptions.ioContextNodes. These objects are also discoverable for other agents by core type IoContext.
  2. The IO router observes advertised/discovered IO nodes belonging to its associated IO context. On a context change, the router publishes Associate events including the associating route and an effective data transfer rate for each pair of IO source and IO actor which should be associated/disassociated.
  3. Associate events are observed by the communication manager of any agent that has registered IO nodes as described in step 1. It sets up or cuts down publication routes for its IO sources and subscription routes for its IO actors using the associating route specified with the Associate events.
  4. By calling CommunicationManager.publishIoValue() for a given IO source IoValue events are submitted to currently associated IO actors using the the route provided in the previous step. Likewise, by calling CommunicationManager.observeIoValue() for a given IO actor these events can be observed.

Note: Not only can IO values be routed between Coaty-defined IO sources and actors, but also from external publishing sources to Coaty-defined IO actors and from Coaty-defined IO sources to external subscribing actors. In this case, the associating route is not created by an IO router, but defined by the external source or actor component. In order to e.g. route values from an externalRoute to a Coaty agent create an IoSource describing the external source, set the externalRoute property to the binding specific route on which the events will be published and register it in the Coaty agent. It can then be used as just any ‘internal’ IO source. For details, see code documentation of property IoPoint.externalRoute.

IO Routing implementation

Core types for IO routing functionality is provided in the @coaty/core module. IO router classes and controllers for IO sources/IO actors are provided in the @coaty/core/io-routing module.

The following example defines a temperature measurement routing scenario with two temperature sensor sources and two actors with compatible data value types and formats. The IO context for this scenario defines an operating state, either normal or emergency. In each state, exactly one of the two actors should consume IO values emitted by both sources.

Note: This example is fully implemented in the Coaty JS integration tests on IO routing.

import { Configuration, CoreTypes, IoActor, IoSource, IoSourceBackpressureStrategy } from "@coaty/core";

interface TemperatureIoContext extends IoContext {
    operatingState: "normal" | "emergency";

// Common Context for IO routing
const ioContext: TemperatureIoContext = {
    name: "TemperatureMeasurement",
    objectId: "b61740a6-95d7-4d1a-8be5-53f3aa1e0b79",
    coreType: "IoContext",
    objectType: "coaty.test.TemperatureIoContext",
    operatingState: "normal",

// Temperature Sensor Source 1
const source1: IoSource = {
    name: "Temperature Source 1",
    coreType: "IoSource",
    objectType: CoreTypes.OBJECT_TYPE_IO_SOURCE,
    objectId: "c547e5cd-ef99-4ccd-b109-fc472fc2d421",
    valueType: "coaty.test.Temperature[Celsius]",
    updateStrategy: IoSourceBackpressureStrategy.Throttle,
    updateRate: 100,  // maximum possible drain rate (in ms)

// Temperature Sensor Source 2
const source2: IoSource = {
    name: "Temperature Source 2",
    coreType: "IoSource",
    objectType: CoreTypes.OBJECT_TYPE_IO_SOURCE,
    objectId: "2e9949f7-a8ef-435b-88a9-527c0a9414c3",
    valueType: "coaty.test.Temperature[Celsius]",

// Temperature Actor 1
const actor1: IoActor = {
    name: "Temperature Actor 1",
    coreType: "IoActor",
    objectType: CoreTypes.OBJECT_TYPE_IO_ACTOR,
    objectId: "a731fc40-c0f8-486f-b5b6-b653c3cabaea",
    valueType: "coaty.test.Temperature[Celsius]",
    updateRate: 50,  // desired rate (in ms)

// Temperature Actor 2
const actor2: IoActor = {
    name: "Temperature Actor 2",
    coreType: "IoActor",
    objectType: CoreTypes.OBJECT_TYPE_IO_ACTOR,
    objectId: "a60a74f3-3d26-446f-a358-911867544944",
    valueType: "coaty.test.Temperature[Celsius]",

// Configuration of agent 1 with an IO node for both IO sources
const configuration1: Configuration = {
    common: {
        ioContextNodes: {
            TemperatureMeasurement: {
                ioSources: [source1, source2],

// Configuration of agent 2 with an IO node for actor 1
const configuration2: Configuration = {
    common: {
        ioContextNodes: {
            TemperatureMeasurement: {
                ioActors: [actor1],
                characteristics: {
                    isResponsibleForOperatingState: "normal",

// Configuration of agent 3 with an IO node for actor 2
const configuration3: Configuration = {
    common: {
        ioContextNodes: {
            TemperatureMeasurement: {
                ioActors: [actor2],
                characteristics: {
                    isResponsibleForOperatingState: "emergency",

Use the RuleBasedIoRouter controller class to realize rule-based routing of data from IO sources to IO actors. By defining application-specific routing rules you can associate IO sources with IO actors based on arbitrary application context.

import { Components, Configuration } from "@coaty/core";
import { IoAssociationRule, RuleBasedIoRouter } from "@coaty/core/io-routing";

const components: Components = {
    controllers: {

// Configuration of IO routing rule definitions for a rule-based IO router
const configuration: Configuration = {
    controllers: {
        RuleBasedIoRouter: {
            rules: [
                    name: "Route temperature sources to normal actors if operating state is normal",
                    valueType: "coaty.test.Temperature[Celsius]",
                    condition: (source, sourceNode, actor, actorNode, context, router) =>
                        actorNode.characteristics.isResponsibleForOperatingState === "normal" &&
                        context["operatingState"] === "normal",
                } as IoAssociationRule,
                    name: "Route temperature sources to emergency actors if operating state is emergency",
                    valueType: "coaty.test.Temperature[Celsius]",
                    condition: (source, sourceNode, actor, actorNode, context, router) =>
                        actorNode.characteristics.isResponsibleForOperatingState === "emergency" &&
                        context["operatingState"] === "emergency",
                } as IoAssociationRule,

An IO router makes its IO context available by advertisement and for discovery (by core type, object type or object Id) and listens for Update-Complete events on its IO context. To trigger reevaluation of association rules by an IO router, simply publish an Update event for the discovered IO context object.

ioContext: TemperatureIoContext;

// Discover temperature measurement context from IO router
    .subscribe(resolve => {
        this.ioContext = as TemperatureIoContext;

// Change context operating state to trigger rerouting from sources to emergency actors
this.ioContext.operatingState = "emergency";
    .subscribe(complete => {
        // Updated object is returned.
        this.ioContext = as TemperatureIoContext;

The Communication Manager supports methods to control IO routing in your agent: Use publishIoValue to send IO value data for an IO source. Use observeIoState and observeIoValue to receive IO state changes and IO values for an IO actor.

To further simplify management of IO sources and IO actors, the framework provides specific controller classes on top of these methods:

Take a look at these controllers in action in the Coaty OPC UA connector example or in the Coaty JS integration tests on IO routing.

Unified Storage API - Query anywhere - Retrieve anywhere

The Coaty framework supports unified persistent or in-memory storage and retrieval of objects and other data in SQL and NoSQL databases. The Unified Storage API is database-agnostic. It unifies common CRUD constructs of relational databases and NoSQL document databases in a simple but powerful API based on promises for asynchronous operations.

The Unified Storage API is especially suited to interact with Query - Retrieve communication event patterns. It enables declarative, seamless and transparent retrieval of objects across Coaty agents independent of database implementations. The query event’s object filter which specifies selection and ordering criteria can be directly passed to the database agnostic API for schemaless object retrieval.

The Unified Storage API uses the notion of database adapters to connect to specific databases. The framework provides ready-to-use built-in adapters. You can also write your own adapter to connect to a specific database not yet supported by the framework.

Database adapters can support SQL operations, NoSQL operations, or both. Depending on the specific database adapter, the API can be used in Coaty containers running in Node.js services, in Cordova apps, or in the browser. For example, the built-in SQLite Cordova adapter can run in Cordova apps; the built-in SQLite Node adapter can run in Node.js. The built-in Postgres adapter can also run in a Node.js environnment.

For services, we recommend to use the standard built-in Postgres adapter in combination with a PostgreSQL database server (at least version 9.5, recommended version 13 or later). PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational DBMS running on a variety of operating system platforms. It supports almost all SQL operations as well as highly efficient NoSQL document operations using the JSONB data type for binary storage and retrieval of JSON objects. The Postgres adapter stores objects as JSONB column data properly indexed to speed-up containment operations on key-value pairs.

For efficient non-persistent, in-memory storage of objects we recommend to use the built-in In-Memory adapter. This adapter supports NoSQL operations only. It can be used in any Coaty container, running in Node.js, Cordova apps, or browsers.

For mobile apps, device apps and services that should locally persist small amounts of data, such as user settings or preferences, we recommend to use one of the built-in SQLite adapters (see subsection ‘Local Store operations’ below).

Persistent storage and retrieval of Coaty objects

In the following, we will explain the Unified Storage API in detail using the example of a PostgreSQL database. For details on setting up a PostgreSQL database and configuring the Postgres adapter, see the subsection ‘Postgres adapter’ below.

To connect to your Postgres database, connection information is supplied with the Coaty container configuration object in the databases property. In general, you specify the name of the adapter to use, a connection string, and other database-specific connection options (optional).

import { Configuration } from "@coaty/core";

const configuration: Configuration = {
    databases: {
        mydb1: {
            adapter: "PostgresAdapter",
            connectionString: "postgres://myuser:mypwd@localhost/mydatabase1",
            connectionOptions: {
                // Postgres specific connection options

For all database adapters used by your agent (typically specified in the databases configuration options), you must register the adapter’s constructor function before use. The name of the adapter must correspond to the value of the adapter property specified in the connection info of the database configuration.

import { Components } from "@coaty/core";
import { DbAdapterFactory } from "@coaty/core/db";
import { PostgresAdapter } from "@coaty/core/db/adapter-postgres";

DbAdapterFactory.registerAdapter("PostgresAdapter", PostgresAdapter);

const container = Container.resolve(...);

The Coaty framework exposes database context objects to perform SQL and/or NoSQL operations on the database. It features a promise-based interface for asynchronous data flow control. A database context is a light-weight object that can be used to perform a single operation or multiple operations in sequence. A database context object can be short-lived but you can also use it for the lifetime of your container by storing it as an instance member in a controller.

A database context object is created with the connection information specified in the configuration:

// Adapter type is registered with container components.
import { DbContext } from "@coaty/core/db";
const dbContext1 = new DbContext(this.runtime.databaseOptions["mydb1"]);

// Alternative: Register adapter type on first use.
import { PostgresAdapter } from "@coaty/core/db/adapter-postgres";
const dbContext2 = new DbContext(this.runtime.databaseOptions["mydb1"], PostgresAdapter);

The SQL and NoSQL operations that you can invoke on the database contexts are defined by the interfaces IDbSqlOperations and IDbNoSqlOperations, respectively.

If you invoke an operation on a database context that is not supported by the associated database adapter, the returned promise is rejected with an “operation not supported” error.

For example, to create and populate a collection of User objects, invoke the following NoSQL operations:

    .then(() => dbContext.insertObjects("appusers", <newObjects>))
    .then(() => dbContext.updateObjects("appusers", <updateObjects>))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

To invoke multiple asynchronous operations in sequence, it is best practice to use composing promises and promise chaining as shown in the above example. Avoid the common bad practice pattern of nesting promises as if they were callbacks.

Note that you can reuse a database context object even if an operation performed on it fails or yields an error. You can also catch rejected promises after every single operation. After a catch clause, the promise chain is restored:

    .then(() => dbContext.insertObjects("appusers", <newObjects>))
    .catch(insertError => console.log(insertError))
    .then(() => dbContext.updateObjects("appusers", <updateObjects>))
    .catch(updateError => console.log(updateError));

Promise chaining effectively serializes the database operations, invoking the next operation not until the previous one has completed successfully or with an error.

For applying promise operations to a series of items, the framework provides a utility method Async.inSeries to chain promises in series (see section Utilities below). This method can be used to iterate over individual objects retrieved by a database operation such as findObjects and apply some asynchronous database operation on each one in series:

let count = 0;
let myItems;
dbContext.findObjects<MyItem>("myitems", ...)
    .then(iterator => iterator.forBatch(items => myItems = items))
    .then(() => Async.inSeries(myItems, item =>
        dbContext.updateObjectProperty("myitems", item.objectId, "count", count++)))
    .catch(error => {
        // Handle any errors, note that Async.inSeries fails fast

You could invoke database operations which are independent of each other in parallel as follows (but see note of caution below):

    .then(() => {
        dbContext.findObjects("appusers", ...)
        dbContext.countObjects("appusers", ...)
    .catch(error => {
         // called only when addCollection fails

A problem with the above example is that there is no thenable or catch clause to be invoked when all operations have completed.

To await completion of parallel operations you can collect all operations in an array which is passed to Promise.all:

    .then(() => Promise.all([
        dbContext.findObjects("appusers", ...)
            .then(iterator => {
                  // Iterate over results, returning completion promise
                  return iterator.forEach(...);
            .catch(error => {
                  // Handle error, catch by default returns a resolved promise

        dbContext.countObjects("appusers", ...)
            .then(count => {
                  // Handle result, return fullfilled or rejected promise
            .catch(error => {
                  // Handle error, catch by default returns a resolved promise
    .then(() => {
        // all operations completed, either successfully or with an error

Note that Promise.all implements a fail-fast behavior. It returns a promise that resolves when all of the promises in the array have resolved, or immediately rejects with the reason of the first passed promise that rejects, discarding all the other promises whether or not they have resolved. To avoid fail-fast behavior in the above example, all the operation catch handlers return a fulfilled promise to signal that Promise.all should also await completion of failed operations.

A final note of caution: Iterating over individual objects retrieved by a database operation such as findObjects and applying some asynchronous database operation on each one in parallel normally does not perform better than applying these operations in series. This is because database queries are usually queued by the database driver and executed one after the other. Moreover, chaining a lerge number of promises does not scale well because allocation in memory has a negative impact on memory footprint. To avoid these pitfalls you should in general prefer sequential promise chaining by Async.inSeries.

NoSQL operations

The following NoSQL operations are defined on a DbContext:

addCollection(name: string): Promise<void>;

removeCollection(name: string): Promise<void>;

clearCollection(name: string): Promise<void>;

        collectionName: string,
        objects: CoatyObject | CoatyObject[],
        shouldReplaceExisting?: boolean): Promise<Uuid[]>;

        collectionName: string,
        objects: CoatyObject | CoatyObject[]): Promise<Uuid[]>;

        collectionName: string,
        objectIds: Uuid | Uuid[],
        property: string,
        value: any,
        shouldCreateMissing = true): Promise<any>

        collectionName: string,
        objectIds: Uuid | Uuid[]): Promise<Uuid[]>;

        collectionName: string,
        filter?: DbObjectFilter): Promise<number>;

findObjectById<T extends CoatyObject>(
        collectionName: string,
        id: string,
        isExternalId = false): Promise<T>;

findObjects<T extends CoatyObject>(
        collectionName: string,
        filter?: DbObjectFilter,
        joinConditions?: DbJoinCondition | DbJoinCondition[]): Promise<IQueryIterator<T>>;

        collectionName: string,
        filter?: DbObjectFilter): Promise<number>;

        collectionName: string,
        aggregateProps: AggregateProperties,
        aggregateOp: AggregateOp,
        filter?: DbObjectFilter): Promise<number | boolean>;

In the following we will explain the NoSQL operation for finding objects. Detailed descriptions of all supported operations are documented in the code of class DbContext. For usage examples, take a look at the Coaty JS Hello World example and at the integration tests found under ts/test/spec/db-nosql.spec.ts and ts/test/spec/db-in-memory.spec.ts.

A NoSQL operation for finding objects looks like the following:

const filter: DbObjectFilter = {
    conditions: {
        and: [
            ["duration", filterOp.between(1000000, 3000000)],
            ["status",[TaskStatus.Pending, TaskStatus.InProgress])],
            ["requirements", filterOp.contains({ "requiresWelder": true })],
            ["requirements", filterOp.notContains({ "requiresQualityCheck": true, "requiresEndAssembly": false })],
            ["metainfo.version", filterOp.between(1, 4)],
    orderByProperties: [["creationDate", "Desc"], ["name", "Asc"], ["metainfo.version", "Asc"]],
    skip: 100,
    take: 100,

const joinConditions: DbJoinCondition[] = [
        fromCollection: "location",
        fromProperty: "objectId",
        localProperty: "locationId",
        asProperty: "resolvedLocation",
        isOneToOneRelation: true,
        fromCollection: "annotation",
        fromProperty: "objectId",
        localProperty: "annotationIds",
        asProperty: "resolvedAnnotations",
        isLocalPropertyArray: true,

dbContext.findObjects<Task>("task", filter, joinConditions)
    .then(iterator => iterator.forEach(compTask => console.log(compTask)))
    .catch(error => console.error(error));

The findObjects operation looks up objects in a collection which match the given object filter. If the filter is empty or not specified all objects in the collection are retrieved. For details on how to specify object filters, take a look at the API documentation of class ObjectFilter.

Optional join conditions can be specified to augment result objects by resolving object references to related objects and by storing them as extra properties (for details, see online documentation of DbJoinCondition). Typically, augmented result objects are transfered to other agents as part of the Query - Retrieve communication event pattern, saving time for roundtrip events to look up related objects.

However, you should take care that the extra properties of augmented objects are not stored in the database to avoid inconsistencies and to keep the object-oriented database design non-redundant and normalized. Always delete extra properties before persisting the object.

It is worth noting that join operations can also be applied to the local collection itself. Self joins are useful to resolve all direct subobjects related to a superordinate object.

The findObjects operation supports two ways of iterating the query results (see DbObjectFilter.shouldFetchInChunks):

  1. Execute the whole query at once and load the result set in memory (default)
  2. Fetch the query result a chunk of rows at a time to avoid memory problems. This provides an efficient way to process large query result sets.

Note that fetching query results in chunks is significantly slower than fetching the whole query at once when the query contains not significantly more or even less items than the size of a chunk as specified by fetchSize.

Fetching results in chunks is especially beneficial in combination with the skip and take options. This is the preferred way of paging through a large result set by retrieving only a specific subset.

The findObjects method is especially suited to handle Query - Retrieve communication event patterns. The object filter defined by a Query event can be directly passed to findObjects. The object join conditions defined by a Query event can be passed to findObjects using the DbContext.getDbJoinConditionsFrom mapping function.

SQL operations

The following SQL operations are defined on a DbContext:

query(sql: SqlQueryBuilder): Promise<SqlQueryResultSet>;
iquery(sql: SqlQueryBuilder, queryOptions: SqlQueryOptions): Promise<IQueryIterator<SqlQueryRow>>;

Use query to execute an SQL query defined by the given query builder and retrieve the results as one set of row data. Note that the query first retrieves all result rows and stores them in memory. For queries that yield potentially large result sets, consider to use the iquery operation instead of this one.

Use iquery to execute an SQL query defined by the given query builder and retrieve the results iteratively. The result can be iterated one by one or in batches to avoid memory overrun when the result contains a large number of rows.

Use the predefined query builder function SQL to formulate your parameterized SQL query. SQL is a tag function for defining universal SQL queries by template literals. The tag function translates universal parametrized queries into queries for the specific SQL dialect to be addressed. It also ensures that SQL identifiers and literals are properly quoted, i.e. escaped to prevent SQL syntax errors and SQL injection. For example:

const myTable = "app-users";
const firstNameColumn = "first name";
const firstNameColumn = "last-name";
const firstName = "Fred";
const lastName = "Flintstone";
query(SQL`SELECT * FROM ${myTable}{IDENT}
        WHERE ${firstNameColumn}{LIT} = ${firstName} AND
              ${lastNameColumn}{LIT} = ${lastName};`)

builds this parameterized query if the PostgresAdapter is used:

query:  SELECT * FROM "app-users" WHERE 'first name' = $1 AND 'last-name' = $2;
params: [ "Fred", "Flintstone" ]

and this parameterized query if an SQLite adapter is used:

query:  SELECT * FROM "app-users" WHERE 'first name' = ? AND 'last-name' = ?;
params: [ "Fred", "Flintstone" ]

and this parameterized query if a MySQL adapter is used:

query:  SELECT * FROM `app-users` WHERE 'first name' = ? AND 'last-name' = ?;
params: [ "Fred", "Flintstone" ]

Detailed descriptions of the supported operations are documented in the code of class DbContext. Code examples can be found in the framework’s integration tests in the file ts/test/spec/db-sql.spec.ts.

Local storage operations

The Unified Storage API also supports local database contexts that persist data in a local database file without using a database server. Such a database context is usually adequate for storing small amounts of data in the local file system of a device or service. SQLite is a typical example of such a database. Typically, a local database context is used to persist agent-specific settings. For example, a local database context can be used in a Node.js environment as well as in a Cordova app (utilizing specific built-in SQLite database adapters).

Besides SQL operations and transactions, a local database context supports local storage of pairs of keys and values. Keys are strings and values are any JSON objects. Values can be retrieved when a key is known or by mapping through all key-value pairs.

addStore(name: string): Promise<any>;
removeStore(name: string): Promise<any>;
getValue(key: string, store?: string): Promise<any>;
getValues(store?: string): Promise<any>;
setValue(key: string, value: any, store?: string): Promise<any>;
deleteValue(key: string, store?: string): Promise<any>;
clearValues(store?: string): Promise<any>;
close(): Promise<any>;

Detailed descriptions of the supported operations are documented in the code of class DbLocalContext. Code examples can be found in the framework’s unit tests in the file ts/test/spec/db-local.spec.ts.


To bundle multiple query operations inside a transaction block, use the transaction method on the database context. The action callback must return a promise that is fulfilled if all operations have executed without errors, and that is rejected if any of the operations fail. All operations within a transaction must operate on the transaction database context that is passed to the action callback.

transaction(action: (transactionContext: DbContext | DbLocalContext) => Promise<any>): Promise<any>;

While you can invoke independent transactions on the same or different database contexts in parallel, or invoke transactions on the same database context in series, transactions cannot be nested. In this case, the promise returned by trying to invoke the subtransaction is rejected with a corresponding error.

Database adapter extensions

In addition to the unified SQL and NoSQL operations described above, a database adapter can also define extension methods. Extensions are adapter-specific, i.e. specific to databases and database drivers. Extensions are registered with the registerExtension adapter method. A database extension context for a specific adapter can now call the defined extension using the callExtension method. As with the other operations, extension methods return promises yielding the requested data.

Use of database adapters

The built-in database adapters provided by the Coaty framework use specific low-level database driver modules to connect to databases.

The drivers used by built-in adapters are defined as (optional) peer dependencies in the package.json of the coaty npm module. To use a specific adapter in your agent project, you must install the associated driver module(s) as dependencies in the package.json. Refer to the framework’s package.json to figure out which version of the driver modules should be installed. You only need to install driver modules for adapters that you really use in your application project.

Postgres adapter

To make use of the built-in Postgres database adapter, install a PostgreSQL database server (minimum version 9.5, recommended version 13 or later). Download and installation details can be found here. Then, set up and start the database server as explained in the Postgres documentation.

We strongly recommend, wherever possible, to use or migrate to PostgreSQL server version 13 or later. For these versions, the Postgres adapter supports highly optimized NoSQL containment, existence, and comparison operations on nested JSON objects by fully indexed access via jsonpath operators.

You also need to add the npm module pg as a dependency to your project’s package.json and install it. The module version should correspond with the version of the pg module specified in the coaty framework package definition as a peer dependency.

Next, create the target database(s) and user roles. This can be accomplished using

Now, you are ready to connect to your Postgres database. Connection information is supplied with the container configuration object in the databases property.

import { Configuration } from "@coaty/core";

const configuration: Configuration = {
    databases: {
        mydb1: {
            adapter: "PostgresAdapter",
            connectionString: "postgres://myuser:mypwd@localhost/mydatabase1",
            connectionOptions: {
                // Postgres specific connection options

A detailed description of the Postgres connection string format and the available connection options can be found in the documentation of the PostgresAdapter class.

Finally, the Postgres adapter must be registered before use:

import { DbAdapterFactory } from "@coaty/core/db";
import { PostgresAdapter } from "@coaty/core/db/adapter-postgres";

DbAdapterFactory.registerAdapter("PostgresAdapter", PostgresAdapter);

The Postgres adapter supports both SQL and NoSQL operations as well as extension methods for creating and deleting, i.e. dropping, databases and users at runtime:

initDatabase(dbInfo: DbConnectionInfo, collections?: string[], clearCollections: boolean = false)
createDatabase(name: string, owner: string, comment?: string): Promise<boolean>;
deleteDatabase(name: string): Promise<void>;
createUser(name: string, comment?: string): Promise<void>;
deleteUser(name: string): Promise<void>;

When setting up PostgreSQL do not forget to set a proper password for the PostgreSQL admin user if you want to make use of these extension methods. Usually, when installing PostgreSQL on Windows or when using a PostgreSQL docker container the admin user and admin password are both preset to postgres. On Linux, you might have to set the password explicitely by running sudo -u postgres psql postgres and then defining a password through the command postgres=# \password postgres.

The following example shows how to initialize a database (i.e. create a database and database user, and add collections) at program startup with the PostgreSQL adapter:

import { Components, Configuration } from "@coaty/core";
import { DbAdapterFactory, DbContext } from "@coaty/core/db";
import { PostgresAdapter } from "@coaty/core/db/adapter-postgres";

const components: Components = {

const configuration: Configuration = {
    databases: {
        db: {
            adapter: "PostgresAdapter",
            connectionString: "postgres://myuser:mypassword@localhost/mydb"
        adminDb: {
            adapter: "PostgresAdapter",

            // Connect as admin user (postgres) with password (postgres) to admin database (postgres)
            // Format: postgres://<admin-user>:<admin-pwd>@<host>/<admin-db>
            connectionString: "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/postgres"

DbAdapterFactory.registerAdapter("PostgresAdapter", PostgresAdapter);

const adminContext = new DbContext(configuration.databases["adminDb"]);

// Set up a Postgres database by creating a database user and a database with
// two collections named "mycollection1" and "mycollection2".
adminContext.callExtension("initDatabase", configuration.databases["db"], ["mycollection1", "mycollection2"])
    .then(() => {
        container.resolve(components, configuration);
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

Note that you have to be an admin user (“postgres” in the example, using “postgres” as password) with access to the postgres admin database (“postgres”) to successfully execute these operations.

In-memory adapter

For efficient non-persistent, in-memory storage of objects we recommend to use the built-in InMemoryAdapter. This adapter supports the complete set of NoSQL operations. Transactions are not supported. Fetching in chunks is not supported, i.e. DbObjectFilter.shouldFetchInChunks and DbObjectFilter.fetchSize are ignored.

This adapter has no external dependencies to database drivers and requires no installation of third-party modules. It can be used in any Coaty container, running in Node.js, Cordova apps, or browsers.

The InMemoryAdapter requires a connection string of the following form: in-memory://<database>

This adapter supports the following connection options:

   // Name of database to connect
   database: "<name>"

The database specified by either the connection string or options is implicitely and automatically created in-memory the first time you are creating a DbContext on it.

The following example shows how to create and use a database with the InMemoryAdapter:

import { Configuration } from "@coaty/core";
import { DbAdapterFactory, DbContext } from "@coaty/core/db";
import { InMemoryAdapter } from "@coaty/core/db/adapter-in-memory";

const configuration: Configuration = {
    databases: {
        inMemoryDb: {
            adapter: "InMemoryAdapter",
            connectionString: "in-memory://my-in-memory-db"

DbAdapterFactory.registerAdapter("InMemoryAdapter", InMemoryAdapter);

// In your controller, create a DB context as follows
const dbContext = new DbContext(this.runtime.databaseOptions["inMemoryDb"]);

    .then(() => dbContext.insertObjects("appusers", <newObjects>))
    .then(() => dbContext.updateObjects("appusers", <updateObjects>))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

Detailed descriptions of the supported NoSQL operations are documented in the code of class DbContext. Further code examples can be found in the framework’s integration tests in the file ts/test/spec/db-in-memory.spec.ts.

SQLite Node.js adapter

The Coaty framework provides a built-in database adapter for persistent SQL-based local storage and retrieval in Node.js processes. The SqLiteNodeAdapter makes use of SQLite 3 utilizing the sqlite3 npm module as database driver.

The SQLite node adapter supports SQL operations, transactions, and local store operations exposed by a local database context (of class DbLocalContext). For the query operation the fetchSize option is ignored.

The adapter also provides an extension method deleteDatabase for deleting an SQLite database file.

The SQLite database file path is specified as connection string in the connection info object. If you specify an absolute or relative file path ensure that the path exists and is accessible by the process, otherwise the database file cannot be created or opened. The database file name should include the extension, if desired, e.g. "db/myservice.db". No further connection options are supported.

You also need to add the npm module sqlite3 as a dependency to your project’s package.json and install it. The module version should correspond with the version of the sqlite3 module specified in the coaty framework package definition as a peer dependency.

To connect to a local SQLite database, specify SqLiteNodeAdapter in your connection information and register the adapter before use:

import { Configuration } from "@coaty/core";
import { DbLocalContext } from "@coaty/core/db";
import { SqLiteNodeAdapter } from "@coaty/core/db/adapter-sqlite-node";

const configuration: Configuration = {
    communication: {
    controllers: {
    databases: {
        localdb: {
            adapter: "SqLiteNodeAdapter",

            // Path to the SqLite database file is relative to project's root folder
            connectionString: "db/mylocaldb.db"

// Register adapter initially or
DbAdapterFactory.registerAdapter("SqLiteNodeAdapter", SqLiteNodeAdapter);

// In your controller, create a local database context as follows
const dbContext = new DbLocalContext(this.runtime.databaseOptions["localdb"]);

SQLite Cordova adapter

The Coaty framework provides a built-in database adapter for persistent SQL-based local storage and retrieval in mobile browser apps running on iOS, Android and Windows. The SQLite Cordova adapter makes use of the cordova-sqlite-storage plugin. The adapter provides a powerful alternative to limited HTML5 local storage in your mobile app.

The SQLite node adapter supports SQL operations, transactions, and local store operations exposed by a local database context (of class DbLocalContext). The iquery operation is not supported.

This adapter provides an extension method deleteDatabase for deleting the local SQLite database file specified in the connection options.

This adapter accepts the following connection info: connectionString specifies the name of the database file. connectionOptions accepts a location option (defaults to default). To specify a different location, (affects iOS only) use the iosDatabaseLocation option with one of the following choices:

Like with other Cordova plugins you must wait for the deviceready event in your app before instantiating a local database context with this adapter. Note that controllers and other service classes injected into Ionic/Angular UI components are created before the deviceready event is fired. Thus, you should never execute operations on a local database context on this adapter in the constructor of such a class.

To use the SQLite Cordova adapter, yo need to add the npm module cordova-sqlite-storage as a dependency to your project’s package.json and install it. The module version should correspond with the version of the cordova-sqlite-storage module specified in the coaty framework package definition as a peer dependency.

To connect to a local SQLite database, specify SqLiteCordovaAdapter in your connection information and register the adapter before use:

import { Configuration } from "@coaty/core";
import { DbLocalContext } from "@coaty/core/db";
import { SqLiteCordovaAdapter } from "@coaty/core/db/adapter-sqlite-cordova";

const configuration: Configuration = {
    databases: {
        localdb: {
            adapter: "SqLiteCordovaAdapter",

            // Name of the database file
            connectionString: "mylocaldb",

            connectionOptions: {
                // Specify database file location on local device
                location: "default",

                // Specify location for iOS
                iosDatabaseLocation: "default"

DbAdapterFactory.registerAdapter("SqLiteCordovaAdapter", SqLiteCordovaAdapter);

// In your controller, create a DB context as follows
const dbContext = new DbLocalContext(this.runtime.databaseOptions["localdb"]);

Implement a custom database adapter

You can implement your own custom database adapter by defining a class that derives from DbAdapterBase and implements the IDbAdapter and IDbAdapterExtension interfaces. DbAdapterBase provides default implementations for all interface methods that return a rejected promise which yields an “Operation not supported” error.

You can specify the custom adapter in the database configuration options. Note that the custom adapter class must be registered before use.

import { Configuration } from "@coaty/core";
import { MyCustomDatabaseAdapter } from "myapp/my-custom-adapter";

const configuration: Configuration = {
    databases: {
        myCustomDb: {
            adapter: "MyCustomDatabaseAdapter",
            connectionString: "...",
            connectionOptions: {
                // Specific connection options for custom database

DbAdapterFactory.registerAdapter("MyCustomDatabaseAdapter", MyCustomDatabaseAdapter);

Convenience controllers

Besides the base Controller class, the framework also provides some convenience controller classes that you can reuse in your agent project.

Connection State Controller

The ConnectionStateController class monitors the connection state (online or offline) of the associated communication manager.

Use its isOffline getter to get a boolean observable that emits true if the connection state of the associated communication manager transitions to offline, and false if it transitions to online. When subscribed, the current connection state is emitted immediately.

Object Lifecycle Controller

The ObjectLifecycleController class supports distributed lifecycle management. It keeps track of agents or application-specific Coaty objects in a Coaty network by monitoring agent identities or custom object types. The controller observes advertisements and deadvertisements of such objects and discovers them. Changes are emitted on corresponding observables that applications can subscribe to.

You can use this controller either standalone by adding it to the container components or extend your custom controller class from this controller class.

The following example shows how to keep track of agents whose identity is named "LightAgent".

This approach requires your custom controller class to inherit from the lifecycle controller class:

import { Components, ObjectLifecycleController } from "@coaty/core";

const components: Components = {
    controllers: {

class MyController extends ObjectLifecycleController {

    onCommunicationManagerStarting() {
        this.observeObjectLifecycleInfoByCoreType("Identity", obj => === "LightAgent")
            .subscribe(info => {
                // Called whenever light agents have been observed.
                // Note that if the agent containing this controller is also a light agent,
                // this controller also receives its own agent identity.
                // You can easily filter it out by checking the object ID of a received identity.
                console.log(info.added);     // newly advertised or discovered identities
                console.log(info.changed);   // readvertised or rediscovered identities
                console.log(info.removed);   // deadvertised identities

This approach requires the lifecycle controller to be added to the container components under the key ObjectLifecycleController:

import { Components, Controller, ObjectLifecycleController } from "@coaty/core";

const components: Components = {
    controllers: {

class MyController extends Controller {

    onCommunicationManagerStarting() {

        const ctrl = this.container.getController<ObjectLifecycleController>("ObjectLifecycleController");
            .observeObjectLifecycleInfoByCoreType("Identity", obj => === "LightAgent")
            .subscribe(info => {
                // Called whenever light agents have been observed.
                // Note that if the agent containing this controller is also a light agent,
                // this controller also receives its own agent identity.
                // You can easily filter it out by checking the object ID of a received identity.
                console.log(info.added);     // newly advertised or discovered identities
                console.log(info.changed);   // readvertised or rediscovered identities
                console.log(info.removed);   // deadvertised identities

To keep track of agent identities, the code shown above is sufficient. However, if you want to keep track of custom object types (not agent identities), you have to implement the remote side of the distributed object lifecycle management explicitely, i.e. advertise/readvertise/deadvertise your custom objects and observe/resolve corresponding Discover events. To facilitate this, this controller provides convenience methods: advertiseDiscoverableObject, readvertiseDiscoverableObject, and deadvertiseDiscoverableObject.

Usually, a custom object should have the object ID of its agent identity, i.e. Container.identity, set as its parentObjectId in order to be automatically deadvertised when the agent terminates abnormally. You can automate this by passing true to the optional parameter shouldSetParentObjectId of method advertiseDiscoverableObject (true is also the default parameter value).

The following example shows how to keep track of a custom Coaty object.

The first controller is responsible for advertising the custom object, and for making it discoverable. Note that when the communication manager is stopped the custom object is automatically deadvertised by the framework.

import { ObjectLifecycleController } from "@coaty/core";

class CustomObjectAdvertisingController extends ObjectLifecycleController {

    myCustomObject: CoatyObject;

    onInit() {
        this.myCustomObject = {
            objectType: "com.example.MyCustomObject",
            coreType: "CoatyObject",
            name: "MyCustomObject",
            objectId: this.runtime.newUuid()

    onCommunicationManagerStarting() {

The second controller keeps track of custom objects as advertised/discoverable by the first controller:

class CustomObjectTrackingController extends ObjectLifecycleController {

    onCommunicationManagerStarting() {
            .subscribe(info => {
                // Called whenever custom lifecycle objects of type "com.example.MyCustomObject" have changed.
                console.log(info.added);     // newly advertised or discovered objects
                console.log(info.changed);   // readvertised or rediscovered objects
                console.log(info.removed);   // deadvertised objects

Object Cache Controller

The ObjectCacheController class discovers objects by given object Ids and maintains a local cache of resolved objects. The controller will also update existing objects in its cache whenever such objects are advertised by other parties.

To realize an object cache controller for a specific core types or for specific objects, define a custom controller class that extends the abstract ObjectCacheController class and set the core type and/or the filter predicate of objects to be cached in the OnInit method.

import { ObjectCacheController } from "@coaty/core";
import { FactoryUser } from "../models/factory-user";

export class UserCacheController extends ObjectCacheController<FactoryUser> {

    onInit() {

        // Specify the object's core type that should be cached.
        this.coreType = "User";

        // Only resolve factory users that are present
        this.objectFilter = (obj: FactoryUser) => obj.isPresent;

Resolve an object with a given objectId by your custom cache controller as follows:

        obj => {
            // Emits the first object of the observable, then completes
        error => { ... });

Historian Controller

The HistorianController class can be used on each Coaty agent to create and/or persist snapshots in time of arbitrary Coaty objects.

A snapshot represents a deep copy of the object and its state, a timestamp, a creator ID, and an optional array of associated tags. The tags can be used on retrieval of snapshots to identify different purposes.

A snapshot is created by the generateSnapshot(object, ...tags) or generateSnapshot(object, timestamp, ...tags) method. Driven by specific controller options, you can decide to

The HistorianController provides a convenience method to query snapshots using the Query event pattern:

The HistorianController also provides convenience methods to retrieve snapshots from a database collection:

You can set up a HistorianController in the Coaty container components and configuration as follows:

import { Components, Configuration } from "@coaty/core";
import { HistorianController } from "@coaty/core/db";

export const components: Components = {
    controllers: {

export const configuration: Configuration = {
        controllers: {
            HistorianController: {
                shouldAdvertiseSnapshots: false,
                shouldPersistLocalSnapshots: true,
                shouldPersistObservedSnapshots: false,
                shouldReplyToQueries: true,
                database: {
                    key: "db",
                    collection: "historian"
        databases: {
            db: {
                adapter: "PostgresAdapter",
                connectionString: "..."
            admindb: {
                adapter: "PostgresAdapter",
                connectionString: "..."

The database controller option has two properties key and collection; key references the database key as defined in the databases option of your configuration; collection is the name of the collection to be used. If the collection doesn’t exist, it will be created in the given database.

To see an example of the HistorianController in action, take a look at the Hello World example.

Decentralized logging

The Coaty framework provides the object type Log for decentralized structured logging of any kind of informational events in your Coaty agents, such as errors, warnings, system and application-specific messages. Log objects are usually published to interested parties using an Advertise event. These log objects can then be collected and ingested into external processing pipelines such as the ELK Stack.

A controller can publish a log object by creating and advertising a Log object. You can specify the level of logging (debug, info, warning, error, fatal), the message to log, its creation timestamp, and other optional information about the host environment in which this log object is created. You can also extend the Log object with custom property-value pairs.

You can also specify log tags as an array of string values in the Log.logTags property. Tags are used to categorize or filter log output. Agents may introduce specific tags, such as “service” or “app”, usually defined at design time.

You can also specify log labels as a set of key-value label pairs in the logLabels property. It can be used to add context-specific information to a log object. For example, labels are useful in providing multi-dimensional data along a log entry to be exploited by external logging services, such as Prometheus.

For convenience, the base Controller class provides methods for publishing/advertising log objects:

The base Controller class also defines a protected method extendLogObject(log: Log) which is invoked by the controller whenever one of the above log methods is called. The controller first creates a Log object with appropriate property values and passes it to this method before advertising it. You can overwrite this method to additionally set certain properties (such as Log.hostname or Log.logLabels). For example, a Node.js agent could add the hostname and other host characteristics to the Log object like this:

import { hostname } from "os";
import { Log } from "@coaty/core";

protected extendLogObject(log: Log) {
    log.logHost.hostname = hostname;
    log.logLabels = {
        operatingState: this.operatingState,

To collect all log objects advertised by agent controllers, implement a logging controller that observes Advertise events on the core type Log. Take a look at the Hello World example of the Coaty framework to see how this is implemented in detail.

Future versions of the framework could include predefined logging controllers that collect Log entries, store them persistently; output them to file or console, and provide a query interface for analyzing and visualizing log entries by external tools.


The framework provides some useful utility functions in the util module that are missing in the JavaScript ES5/ES6 standard.

Asynchronous promise operations

The Async.inSeries method applies an asynchronous operation against each value of an array of items in series (from left-to-right). You can break out of the iteration prematurely by resolving a false value from an operation. If an async operation is rejected, the promise returned by inSeries is rejected immediately (fail fast).

import { Async } from "@coaty/core";

    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    (item: number) => {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                console.log("run async operation #" + item);
                resolve(item < 4 ? true : false);
            }, 1000);
    .then(lastIndex => console.log(`last async operation performed on item index ${lastIndex}`))  // lastIndex should be 3
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

The Async.reduce method applies an asynchronous operation against an accumulator and each value of an array of items in series (from left-to-right) to reduce it to a single value:

import { Async } from "@coaty/core";

const items = [100, 300, 150, 50];

    (item: number, previousValue?: number[]) => {
        return new Promise<number[]>((resolve, reject) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, item);
    .then(value => {
        value.forEach((val, i) => {
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

The Async.withTimeout method augments an asynchronous promise operation with a timeout. It returns a promise that rejects after the given number of milliseconds if the passed in promise doesn’t resolve or reject in the meantime:

import { Async } from "@coaty/core";

const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 2000);

Async.withTimeout(1000, myPromise)
    .then(value => console.log("resolved"))
    .catch(error => console.log(error.message));

// should yield 'Timed out after 1000 ms'

Binary search and insert

Binary search and insert functions to efficiently search/insert an item into a sorted Array<T> using a specific compare function on the item:

import { binarySearch, binaryInsert } from "@coaty/core";

    source: Array<T>,
    value: T,
    compareFn: (a: T, b: T) => number,
    startIndex: number = 0,
    endIndex: number = source.length - 1): number;

    source: Array<T>,
    item: T,
    compareFn: (a: T, b: T) => number);

Localized ISO date-time formatting

A function to return a date string in ISO 8601 format including timezone offset information and optional milliseconds:

import { toLocalIsoString } from "@coaty/core";

// outputs 2016-09-21T15:46:41+02:00
console.log(toLocalIsoString(new Date()));

// outputs 2016-09-21T15:46:41.000+02:00
console.log(toLocalIsoString(new Date(), true));

Deep comparison checks

Equality check

Determines whether two JavaScript values, typically objects or arrays, are deep equal according to a recursive equality algorithm.

Note that the strict equality operator === is used to compare leave values. For checking the containment of properties in objects the hasOwnProperty operator is used, i.e. only properties defined on the object directly (not inherited) are considered.

Compares JavaScript values, typically objects or arrays, and determines whether they are deep equal according to a recursive equality algorithm.

import { equals } from "@coaty/core";

expect(equals(null, null)).toBe(true);
        /* tslint:disable-next-line:no-null-keyword */
        expect(equals(null, undefined)).toBe(false);
        expect(equals(42, 42)).toBe(true);
        expect(equals(42, "42")).toBe(false);
        expect(equals([], [])).toBe(true);
equals({ a : [ 2, 3 ], b : [ 4 ] }, { a : [ 2, 3 ], b : [ 4 ] })) => true
equals({ x : 5, y : [6] }, { x : 5, y : 6 })) => false

Contains check

Checks if a JavaScript value (usually an object or array) contains other values. Primitive value types (number, string, boolean, null, undefined) contain only the identical value. Object properties match if all the key-value pairs of the specified object are contained in them. Array properties match if all the specified array elements are contained in them.

The general principle is that the contained object must match the containing object as to structure and data contents recursively on all levels, possibly after discarding some non-matching array elements or object key/value pairs from the containing object. But remember that the order of array elements is not significant when doing a containment match, and duplicate array elements are effectively considered only once.

As a special exception to the general principle that the structures must match, an array on toplevel may contain a primitive value:

contains([1, 2, 3], [3]) => true
contains([1, 2, 3], 3) => true

Note that the strict equality operator === is used to compare primitive values. For checking the containment of properties in objects the hasOwnProperty operator is used, i.e. only properties defined on the object directly (not inherited) are considered.

For example:

import { contains } from "@coaty/core";

contains("foo" , "foo") => true

contains([1, 2, 3] , []) => true
contains([1, 2, 3] , [3, 1]) => true
contains([1, 2, 3] , [3, 1, 3, 1]) => true
contains([1, 2, 3] , [3, 1, 5]) => false
contains([1, [2, 3, 4], 3] , [3, [3, 2]]) => true
contains([1, [2, 3, 4], 3] , [3, [3, 1]]) => false

contains({ "foo": 1, "bar": 2 } , { "bar": 2 }) => true
contains({ "foo": 1, "bar": 2 } , { "bar": 2, "foo": 1 }) => true
contains({ "foo": 1, "bar": 2 } , { "bar": 2, "foo": 2 }) => false
contains({ "foo": { "bar": "baz" }}, { "foo": {} }) => true
contains({ "foo": { "bar": "baz" }}, { "bar": "baz" }) => false

contains([1, { "foo": [{ "bar": [1, 2, 3] }, 2, 3] }], [{ "foo": [{ "bar": [3] }] }]) => true

Includes check

Checks if a value is included on toplevel in the given operand array of values which may be primitive types (number, string, boolean, null) or object types compared using the deep equality operator.

For example:

import { includes } from "@coaty/core";

includes([1, 46, 47, "foo"], 47) => true
includes([1, 46, "47", "foo"], 47) => false
includes([1, 46, { "foo": 47 }, "foo"], { "foo": 47 }) => true
includes([1, 46, { "foo": 47, "bar": 42 }, "foo"], { "foo": 47 }) => false

Node.js utilities

The framework includes a NodeUtils class in the runtime-node module which provides some static utility methods to be used by Coaty agent services.

Use the handleProcessTermination method to perform synchronous and asynchronous cleanup of allocated resources (e.g. file descriptors, handles, DB connections, etc.) before shutting down the Node.js process.

Use the logCommunicationState method to log changes in online/offline communication state (i.e. agent connection to Coaty broker) to the console.

Use the logInfo, logError, and logEvent methods to log a given informational message, error, or event to the console, also providing a logging timestamp.

Usage examples can be found in the Coaty JS code examples.

Multicast DNS discovery

The framework includes a MulticastDnsDiscovery class to support multicast DNS discovery (a.k.a Bonjour, Zeroconf, mDNS) to be used within Node.js based agents. These functions can be used, for example, to auto-discover the IP address of the Coaty broker/router or the URL of a container configuration hosted on a web server.

Use the publishMulticastDnsService, publishMqttBrokerService, and publishWampRouterService methods in a Coaty service to publish corresponding mDNS services (see examples below).

Use the unpublishMulticastDnsServices function to stop publishing of mDNS services when the Coaty service exits.

Use the findMulticastDnsService, findMqttBrokerService, and findWampRouterService functions in a Coaty agent to discover a published mDNS service (see examples below).

Note that multicast DNS discovery can only resolve host names within an IP subnet. If you need discovery of broker connection information across subnets, host the container configuration with this information as a JSON file on a centrally accessible web server and retrieve it using HTTP/REST as described in this section.

Discover configuration URLs

Publish an mDNS service for a Coaty configuration URL with a given name, type, port, and TXT record as follows:

import { MulticastDnsDiscovery } from "@coaty/core/runtime-node";

MulticastDnsDiscovery.publishMulticastDnsService("My Config URL", "coaty-config", 4711, { "path": "/config/my-config.json" })
    .then(srv => console.log("Service published successfully",
    .catch(error => console.error("Service could not be published", error));

The values of the txt record properties are always strings so you can easily concatenate them to form a URL, etc.

Find the first mDNS service for the published Coaty configuration URL:

import { MulticastDnsDiscovery } from "@coaty/core/runtime-node";

MulticastDnsDiscovery.findMulticastDnsService("My Config URL", "coaty-config", 10000)
    .then(srv => console.log("Config URL:", `https://${}:${srv.port}${srv.txt.path}`))
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

Discover broker or router

Publish Coaty broker/router discovery information (with default connection parameters) as follows:

import { MulticastDnsDiscovery } from "@coaty/core/runtime-node";

// Publish MQTT broker info in a Coaty service
    .then(srv => console.log("Broker info published successfully",
    .catch(error => console.error("Broker info could not be published", error));

// Publish WAMP router info in a Coaty service
    .then(srv => console.log("Router info published successfully",
    .catch(error => console.error("Router info could not be published", error));

Auto discover the broker/router URL in a Coaty network and use this information to dynamically configure the communication manager at run time. For this to work correctly, ensure that the communication manager is not started automatically.

import { Container } from "@coaty/core";

const container = Container.resolve(...);

// On startup discover MQTT broker URL and start communication manager.

import { MulticastDnsDiscovery, NodeUtils } from "@coaty/core/runtime-node";

    .then(srv => {
            brokerUrl: `mqtt://${}:${srv.port}`,
    .catch(error => {
        NodeUtils.logError(error, "Couldn't discover broker:");

// On startup discover WAMP router URL and start communication manager.

import { MulticastDnsDiscovery, NodeUtils } from "@coaty/core/runtime-node";

    .then(srv => {
            routerUrl: `ws://${}:${srv.port}${srv.txt.path}`,
    .catch(error => {
        NodeUtils.logError(error, "Couldn't discover router:");

Note that the find functions described above can only be used in Node.js programs. If you want to discover a bonjour service within a cordova app, use the plugin cordova-plugin-zeroconf. In an Ionic app, you can use @ionic-native/zeroconf plugin which is a wrapper around the cordova plugin. In a pure browser environment, it is not possible to discover mDns services with JavaScript.

To discover the Coaty MQTT or WAMP service with an external tool, use one of the following FQDNs (fully qualified domain names): "Coaty MQTT Broker._coaty-mqtt._tcp.local" or "Coaty WAMP Broker._coaty-wamp._tcp.local" (for default parameters). Since the mDNS library we are using does not handle "_services._dns-sd._udp." meta-queries for browsing, mDNS services published by one of the above methods can only be discovered if you specify the mDNS service name and type explicitely.

Stop publishing mDNS services

Published mDNS services should be stopped before a Coaty service exits:

import { MulticastDnsDiscovery } from "@coaty/core/runtime-node";

MulticastDnsDiscovery.unpublishMulticastDnsServices().then(() => process.exit(0));

Scripts for Coaty agent projects

The framework includes some build-supporting scripts for use by Coaty agent projects. These so-called coaty scripts can execute tasks as part of any npm script based build process of your project:

You can use these coaty scripts as part of npm run scripts in your package.json scripts section as follows:

"scripts": {
    "broker": "coaty-scripts broker <options>",
    "build": "coaty-scripts info && <run your build script here>",
    "prepare-release": "coaty-scripts version-release %1 && npm run build && coaty-scripts cut-release %2",
    "push-release": "coaty-scripts push-release",
    "publish-release": "coaty-scripts publish-release"

The following examples show how the npm run scripts defined above can be executed on the command line:

/// Start a Coaty broker to develop and test your application
npm run broker

/// Build project including generation of agent info
npm run build

// Prepare release on current local branch
npm run prepare-release recommended "This is a release note..."

// Push release on remote git repo
npm run push-release

// Publish release to npm registry
npm run publish-release

Note that parameters supplied with an npm run command can be referenced in a related Coaty script call by substituting a %i parameter, where i is the one-based positional index of the desired npm run command parameter.

Aside from the npm run command you can execute coaty scripts directly via the npx or npm exec binaries invoked on the root folder or a subfolder of your project:

npx coaty-scripts <script-name> <script-options>
npm exec -- coaty-scripts <script-name> <script-options>

Coaty broker for development

For Coaty development and testing purposes, the framework includes the Aedes MQTT broker. In your own application projects, you can also use this broker for development and testing in combination with the MQTT communication binding.

Note: You should not use this broker in a production system. Instead, use a high-performance MQTT broker of your choice (such as VerneMQ, HiveMQ, Mosquitto, or EMQ X).

The broker script provides the following options:

coaty-scripts broker [--verbose] [--port <port>] [--bonjourHost <hostname>] [--nobonjour]
                     [--tls-cert <cert-file>] [--tls-key <key-file>]
                     [--tls-pfx <pfx-file>] [--tls-passphrase <passphrase>]

Runs Coaty broker on MQTT port 1883 (or the one specified with command line option --port <number>) and websocket port 9883. The websocket port is computed from the given MQTT port by adding 8000.

If the broker is launched on standard port 1883, a multicast DNS service for broker discovery is published additionally. The broker is then discoverable under the mDNS service name “Coaty MQTT Broker” and the service type “coaty-mqtt”. In this case, you can optionally specify a non-default hostname/IP address for multicast DNS discovery with the command line option --bonjourHost. Useful for cases, where the normal hostname provided by mDNS cannot be resolved by DNS.

If you do not want to start the multicast DNS service for broker discovery, specify the --nobonjour option.

If the command line option --verbose is given, Coaty broker provides verbose logging of subscriptions. Additionally, all MQTT messages published by MQTT clients are logged on the console, including message topic and payload.

You can also opt to run a broker with secure communication for both TCP and Websocket by specifying either the command line options --tls-cert and --tls-key or the options tls-pfx and tls-passphrase. Cert, key, and pfx options should point to a corresponding file (in PEM, CRT, or PFX format, respectively) relative to your project’s root folder or to an absolute path location. Passphrase is a string used to decrypt the PFX.

Alternatively, you can run the Coaty broker from within your application build scripts as follows:

const broker = require("coaty/scripts/broker");

// Run broker with default options;

// or specify custom options{ logVerbose: true, ... });

Options are defined in an object hash including the following properties:

For example, to run a secure Coaty broker with a server certificate, use the following options:

const fs = require("fs");{
    tlsServerOpts: {
        // Specify either cert-key pair (in CRT or PEM format).
        key: fs.readFileSync("server.key"),
        cert: fs.readFileSync("server.crt"),

        // Alternatively, specify PFX format with passphrase.
        // pfx: fs.readFileSync("server.pfx"),
        // passphrase: "the passphrase to decrypt the PFX"

Generate project meta info at build time

The framework provides an object interface in the runtime module named AgentInfo. This interface represents package, build and config information of any Coaty agent project, whether it runs as a client app or as a backend service. Project information is generated when the project is build and can be used at runtime, e.g. for logging, informational display, or configuration (e.g. discriminating based on production vs. development build mode).

The framework provides several methods to generate AgentInfo at build time of the project:

Each of these methods generates a TypeScript file named which exports an AgentInfo object on a variable named agentInfo. You can import this object into your project and use it as needed:

import { agentInfo } from "path_to/";


Package information exposed by the AgentInfo.packageInfo object is extracted from the project’s package.json file.

The build mode exposed by the AgentInfo.buildInfo object indicates whether the agent is built for a production, development, staging, or any other custom build environment. Its value is determined by the value of the environment variable COATY_ENV at build time. Typical values include production or development, but could be any other string as well. You should set this environment variable to a proper value before starting the build process. If this variable is not set, a development build mode is assumed unless a default build mode has been specified in the info script or function.

The serviceHost property exposed by the AgentInfo.configInfo object represents the host name used for MQTT broker connections and REST based services. The value is acquired from the environment variable COATY_SERVICE_HOST. If not set, the value defaults to an empty string.

Generate project info by script

The examples explained next refer to the Angular CLI and Ionic build process.

In the build and serve/watch scripts of your package.json add a call to run coaty-scripts info:

 // Angular CLI
 "scripts": {
    "build": "coaty-scripts info ./src/app && ng build",
    "build:prod": "coaty-scripts info ./src/app production && ng build --prod",
    "serve": "coaty-scripts info ./src/app && ng serve",
 // Ionic
 "scripts": {
    "build": "coaty-scripts info && ionic-app-scripts build",
    "build:prod": "coaty-scripts info ./src/ production && ionic-app-scripts build --prod",
    "watch": "coaty-scripts info && ionic-app-scripts watch",

By default, the generated file is written to "./src/". You can customize this location by supplying an explicit first argument to the info script. You can also specify the default build mode to use as a second argument.

Generate project info by gulp task

The framework provides a gulp task that you can integrate into your gulpfile.js:

const infoScript = require("coaty/scripts/info");

// path_to specifies the path without filename where
// should be written, such as "./src/app" for Ionic apps.
gulp.task("agentinfo", infoScript.gulpBuildAgentInfo("path_to"));

// Add the gulp task as a step of the build task
gulp.task("build", gulp.series("clean", "agentinfo", "transpile", "tslint"));

Note that the agentinfo gulp task must be run before transpiling the TypeScript source code.

Generate project info by a function

To integrate generation of project info into your custom Node.js based build process, you can use the function generateAgentInfoFile which is exported by the runtime module:

const infoScript = require("coaty/scripts/info");

const agentInfoFolder = "./src/";
const agentInfoFilename = "";   // optional parameter
const packageFile = "package.json";          // optional parameter
const defaultBuildMode = "development";      // optional parameter
infoScript.generateAgentInfoFile(agentInfoFolder, agentInfoFilename, packageFile, defaultBuildMode);

Release a project

The provided release scripts separate local steps that only affect the local git repo from remote steps that affect the npm registry:

To use the release scripts in your project, add the npm modules conventional-changelog and conventional-recommended-bump as dependencies to your project’s package.json and install them. The module versions should correspond with the versions specified in the coaty framework package definition as peer dependencies.

Version a release

To prepare a new release locally, first run the version-release script. It computes a new package version and bumps it.

coaty-scripts version-release (recommended | first | major | minor | patch | <semantic version>)

If supplied with recommended, a recommended version bump is computed based on conventional commits. An error is reported, if the recommended version cannot be computed because there are no commits for this release at all.

If supplied with first, the package version is bumped to the current version specified in package.json.

If supplied with major, minor, or patch, the package version is incremented to the next major, minor, or patch version, respectively.

If supplied with a valid semantic version (e.g. 1.2.3 or 1.2.3-beta.5) this version is bumped. You can also use this option to create a prerelease.

In any of the above cases except first, an error is reported if the new version to be bumped is equal to the current package version.

The auto-generated release information in the CHANGELOG only includes feat, fix, and perf conventional commits. Non-conventional commits are not included. Other conventional commit types such as docs, chore, style, refactor are not included. However, if there is any BREAKING CHANGE, this commit will always appear in the changelog.

Cut a release

The cut-release script

  1. updates the CHANGELOG with release information from the conventional commits,
  2. commits all pending changes,
  3. creates an annotated git tag with the new release version.
coaty-scripts cut-release ["<release note>"]

If supplied with an optional release note, the given text is prepended to the release information generated by conventional commits. The text should consist of whole sentences.

Before executing the script, you should build the project’s distribution package, and other assets, such as auto-generated API documentation.

Push a release

Use the push-release script to push the cut release commits and the release tag to the remote git repo server.

coaty-scripts push-release

Note that the push-release script may error because the git private key authentication has not been set up properly. In this case, you can perform this step manually using your preferred GIT client. Do NOT forget to push the release tag, too. You can push both the release commits and the annotated tag by executing git push --follow-tags.

Publish a release

Use the publish-release script to publish the distribution package(s) of the cut release on the public npm registry:

coaty-scripts publish-release [npm-tag]

This command publishes any distribution package located in the dist subfolder of your agent project. If you want to publish multiple distribution packages, create subfolders in the dist folder for each of them.

If supplied with npm-tag, the published packages are registered with the given tag, such that npm install <package>@<npm-tag> will install this version. If not supplied with npm-tag, the latest tag is registered. In this case, npm install installs the version tagged with latest.

By default, packages are published on the public npm registry. If you want to publish to a company-internal registry server, overwrite the default by adding a publishConfig section to your package.json:

"publishConfig": {
    "registry": ""

Note that authentication is required for publishing, so you need to set up an appropriate account at the npm registry server first. Then, create an npm authentication token (on npm website or by invoking npm adduser) and paste the created authentication information into your ~/.npmrc.

Copyright (c) 2018 Siemens AG. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.