Rights Management in Coaty Applications

Table of Contents


Rights management in a Coaty application should securely control access to resources for all system participants, such as users, devices, and services. It should cover the following aspects:


To implement rights management in a Coaty application, secure authenticated communications must be established between distributed Coaty agents. This is to ensure that an agent that claims access to certain resources always has the identity it pretends to have.

Identity access management (IAM) should be kept separate from the Coaty application because it is highly dependent on the IT infrastructure in which the application is integrated.

To set up an authenticated communication in an MQTT based IoT network, follow these steps:

Note that authentication of userless application components, such as backend services, follows the same approach: define service “user” accounts in IAM that serve as identities for individual services or all services (common service identity). Each service or group of services deployed by the Coaty ecosystem is assigned such a service user and an automatically generated authentication token. This token can also be used to implement license expiration by invalidating the generated token in the IAM.

Authentication as described above will only make sense when the traffic between Coaty agents is secured at least on the TCP network layer to prevent spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks. To secure communications on the network layer instruct the Coaty communication binding to set up a TLS connection by passing in an X509 user certificate (using binding-specific configuration options).

Role based rights management

ACLs should not be assigned to individual users but to user groups or user roles.

In the Coaty framework you can define user groups/roles by utilizing the groups and/or roles properties of the User object type.

Implementing rights management in broker based communication infrastructure

The following sequence diagram depicts the control flow for authentication and authorization with an MQTT broker:

Client                          IAM              MQTT Broker
   |                             |                   |
   | Authenticate Credentials    |                   |
   |---------------------------->|                   |
   |                  Auth Token |                   |
   |<----------------------------|                   |
   |                                                 |
   | Connect with auth token / cert                  |
   |                             |  Check auth token |
   |                             |<----------------->|
   |                      Accept / Reject connection |
   |                                                 |
   | Publish/Subscribe with auth token               |
   |                             |  Check auth token |             |-----------|
   |                             |<----------------->| Check ACL   | User Mgmt |
   |                             |                   |<----------->|           |
   |                             |                   | Check Topic |    ACLs   |
   |                             |                   |             |-----------|

Note that the ACL-Rights Management component depicted in the sequence diagram should never expose detailed information on request. Ideally, all checks should just return one of the values accepted or rejected.

Authentication with the Coaty framework

  1. Acquire authentication token by authenticating against IAM in a separate step.
  2. Provide user ID and authentication token as well as the user certificate as appropriate options of the communication binding in the Coaty container configuration (see code example below, where you could also add the auth token to the user field and skip the password field).
  3. On connection the Communication Manager will pass this information transparently to the broker.
import { MqttBinding } from "@coaty/binding.mqtt";

const configuration: Configuration =
        communication: {
            binding: MqttBinding.withOptions({
                brokerUrl: <broker connection URL>,

                // The username string
                username: "<username>",

                // The authentication token string
                password: "<authentication-token>",

                tlsOptions: {
                    // Certificate's private key
                    key: fs.readFileSync("./keys/key.pem"),

                    // Certificate
                    cert: fs.readFileSync("./keys/cert.pem"),

                    // Optional: The trusted CA list will be used to determine if broker is authorized
                    ca: fs.readFileSync("./crt.ca.cg.pem"),

                    // Set to false for self-signed certificates, but NEVER use for production
                    rejectUnauthorized: true|false,

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