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An Observation is the act of measuring or otherwise determining the value of a property.





coreType: "CoatyObject"

The framework core type of the object, i.e. the name of the interface that defines the object's shape.

Optional externalId

externalId?: string

External ID associated with this object (optional)

Optional featureOfInterestId

featureOfInterestId?: string

Each Observation of the Sensor observes on one-and-only-one FeatureOfInterest (optional). It should refer to the objectId of either a FeatureOfInterest or a Location object. When the FeatureOfInterest changes, a snaphot of the Sensor should be created to display the change.

Optional isDeactivated

isDeactivated?: boolean

Marks an object that is no longer in use. The concrete definition meaning of this property is defined by the application. The property value is optional and should default to false.

Optional locationId

locationId?: string

Unique ID of Location object that this object has been associated with (optional).


name: string

The name/description of the object


objectId: string

Unique ID of the object


objectType: "coaty.sensorThings.Observation"

The concrete type name of the object.

The name should be in a canonical form following the naming convention for Java packages to avoid name collisions. All framework core types use the form coaty.<InterfaceName>, e.g. coaty.CoatyObject (see constants in CoreTypes class).


Object type names should be made up of characters in the range 0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, and dot (.).


All object types starting with coaty. are reserved for use by the Coaty framework and must not be used by applications to define custom object types.

Optional parameters

parameters?: {}

Key-value pairs showing the environmental conditions during measurement.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

Optional parentObjectId

parentObjectId?: string

Unique ID of parent/superordinate object (optional)


phenomenonTime: number

The time instant or period of when the Observation happens.


result: any

The estimated value of an ObservedProperty from the Observation. Depends on the observationType defined in the associated Datastream.

Optional resultQuality

resultQuality?: string[]

Describes the quality of the result.

Should of type DQ_Element: https://geo-ide.noaa.gov/wiki/index.php?title=DQ_Element However, it is considered as a string even by the test suite: https://github.com/opengeospatial/ets-sta10/search?q=resultquality


resultTime: number

The time of the Observation's result was generated.

Optional validTime

validTime?: TimeInterval

The time period during which the result may be used.

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