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Interface SqlQueryOptions

Options for SQL queries.


  • SqlQueryOptions



Optional fetchSize

fetchSize?: number

Maximum number of rows to be retrieved from the database on a chunking fetch operation. If a value is specified on an individual query it overrides the default adapter-specific value given in the adapter options. If not specified or specified as 0, all available objects will be fetched.

This property is only used for the ìquery operation, but not for the query operation.

Optional skip

skip?: number

If skip count is given that many objects are skipped before beginning to return result objects. Typically, this option is only useful if an ORDER BY clause is also specified to ensure consistent ordering of paginated results. If not specified or specified as 0, no objects will be skipped.

This property is only used for the ìquery operation, but not for the query operation. For query operations use SQL OFFSET clause in the SELECT statement.

Optional take

take?: number

If a take count is given, no more than that many objects will be returned (but possibly less, if the request itself yields less objects). Typically, this option is only useful if an ORDER BY clause is also specified to ensure consistent ordering of paginated results. If not specified or specified as 0, all available objects will be returned.

This property is only used for the ìquery operation, but not for the query operation. For query operations use SQL LIMIT clause in the SELECT statement.

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