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Defines criteria for filtering Coaty objects. Used in combination with Call events, and with the ObjectMatcher functionality.





Optional conditions

A single condition or a set of conditions for filtering objects (optional). If not specified or empty, all objects are selected.

A set of filter conditions can be combined by logical AND or OR.

An object filter condition is defined as a tuple specifying the name of an object property and a filter expression. The filter expression must evaluate to true when applied to the property's value for the condition to become true.

The object property to be applied for filtering is specified either in dot notation or array notation. In dot notation, the name of the object property is specified as a string (e.g. "objectId"). It may include dots (.) to access nested properties of subobjects (e.g. "message.name"). If a single property name contains dots itself, you obviously cannot use dot notation. Instead, specify the property or nested properties as an array of strings (e.g. ["property.with.dots", "subproperty.with.dots"]).

A filter expression is a tuple consisting of a filter operator and an operator-specific number of filter operands. You should use one of the typesafe filterOp functions to specify a filter expression.

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