  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Common options shared by container components.


  • CommonOptions



Optional agentIdentity

agentIdentity?: Partial<Identity>

Property-value pairs to be configured on the identity object of the agent container (optional). Usually, an expressive name of the identity is configured here.


Note that objectType and coreType properties of an identity object are ignored, i.e. cannot be overridden.

Optional agentInfo

agentInfo?: AgentInfo

Agent information generated and injected into the configuration when the agent project is build (optional).

To be used locally by an agent to access build and release information of the application for displaying, logging, etc.

Optional extra

extra?: {}

Additional application-specific properties (optional).

Useful to inject service instances to be shared among controllers.

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any

Optional ioContextNodes

ioContextNodes?: {}

Specify IO nodes associated with IO contexts for IO routing (optional).

Each IO node definition is hashed by the IO context name the node should be associated with. An IO node definition includes IO sources and/or IO actors, and node-specific characteristics to be used for IO routing.

If neither IO sources nor IO actors are specified for an IO node, its node definition is ignored.

Type declaration

  • [ioContextName: string]: { characteristics?: {}; ioActors?: IoActor[]; ioSources?: IoSource[] }
    • Optional characteristics?: {}
      • [key: string]: any
    • Optional ioActors?: IoActor[]
    • Optional ioSources?: IoSource[]

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