Coaty JS WAMP Binding Documentation

Coaty WAMP Communication Protocol

This specification conforms to Coaty WAMP Communication Protocol Version 1

Version History

Table of Contents


This document specifies the common Coaty WAMP Communication Protocol that must be implemented by all language-specific Coaty WAMP communication bindings to be interoperable.

The reference implementation of this protocol can be found in the binding.wamp.js repository on GitHub.

With a Coaty WAMP binding, Coaty communication events are transmitted via the WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) publish-subscribe messaging protocol. The format of WAMP topic names and payloads conforms to the WAMP Protocol.


General requirements for WAMP bindings are as follows:

Topic Structure

Coaty communication event patterns are mapped onto WAMP publication and subscription messages. Coaty defines its own topic structure that comprises the following WAMP topic URI components:

UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) must conform to the UUID version 4 format as specified in RFC 4122. In the string representation of a UUID the hexadecimal values “a” through “f” are output as lower case characters.

Note: Raw events and external IoValue events do not conform to this topic structure. They are published and subscribed on an application-specific topic string, which can be any valid WAMP topic that must not start with <ProtocolName>..

A topic name for publication is composed as follows:

// Publication of one-way event

// Publication of two-way event (both request and response)

The ProtocolVersion topic component represents the communication protocol version of the publishing party, as a positive integer.

The Namespace topic component must specify a non-empty string. It must not contain the characters NULL (U+0000), # (U+0023), + (U+002B), and / (U+002F).

To denote event types in the Event topic component, 3-character shortcuts are used:

Event Type Shortcut
Advertise ADV
Deadvertise DAD
Channel CHN
Associate ASC
IoValue IOV
Discover DSC
Resolve RSV
Query QRY
Retrieve RTV
Update UPD
Complete CPL
Call CLL
Return RTN

When publishing an Advertise event the Event topic component must include a filter of the form: ADV<filter>. The filter must not be empty. It must not contain the characters NULL (U+0000), # (U+0023), + (U+002B), and / (U+002F). Framework implementations specify the core type (ADV<coreType>) or the object type (ADV:<objectType>) of the advertised object as filter in order to allow subscribers to listen just to objects of a specific core or object type.

When publishing an Update event the Event topic component must include a filter of the form: UPD<filter>. The filter must not be empty. It must not contain the characters NULL (U+0000), # (U+0023), + (U+002B), and / (U+002F). Framework implementations specify the core type (UPD<coreType>) or the object type (UPD:<objectType>) of the updated object as filter in order to allow subscribers to listen just to objects of a specific core or object type.

When publishing a Channel event the Event topic component must include a channel identifier of the form: CHN<channelId>. The channel ID must not be empty. It must not contain the characters NULL (U+0000), # (U+0023), + (U+002B), and / (U+002F).

When publishing a Call event the Event topic component must include an operation name of the form: CLL<operationname>. The operation name must not be empty. It must not contain the characters NULL (U+0000), # (U+0023), + (U+002B), and / (U+002F).

When publishing an Associate event the Event topic component must include an IO context name of the form: ASC<contextName>. The context name must not be empty. It must not contain the characters NULL (U+0000), # (U+0023), + (U+002B), and / (U+002F).

For any request-response event pattern the receiving party must respond with an outbound message topic containing the original CorrelationID of the incoming message topic. Note that the Event topic component of response events must never include a filter field.

As the Unicode character Dot (U+00B7) and whitespace characters are not allowed inside WAMP topic URI components, both event filter and namespace strings must be encoded/decoded specially: The NULL (U+0000) character is used as an escape character as it is not allowed in a given input string. Any Dot character is replaced by three NULL characters; any whitespace character is replaced by a NULL character followed by a two character sequence that uniquely identifies each whitespace character. The two character sequence is computed by mapping the character index of a whitespace character in the string "\u0020\f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff" to its decimal string representation of length 2, left padded with “0”. For example, the whitespace character \u1680 is mapped to the sequence “07”.

Topic Filters

Each WAMP binding must subscribe to topics according to the defined topic structure with pattern-based wildcard subscription option enabled:

// Subscription for one-way events without or with cross-namespacing

// Subscription for two-way request events without or with cross-namespacing

// Subscription for two-way response events without or with cross-namespacing

These subscriptions, especially response subscriptions, should be unsubscribed as soon as they are no longer needed by the agent. Since Coaty uses Reactive Programming Observables to observe communication events, WAMP subscription topics should be unsubscribed whenever the corresponding observable is unsubscribed by the application.

Note that the Namespace topic component must either specify a non-empty string or a single-component wildcard (..), depending on whether the agent should restrict communication to a given namespace or enable cross-namespacing communication.

When subscribing to a response event, the Event topic component must not include an event filter.

When subscribing to an Advertise event, the Event topic component must include the Advertise filter: ADV<filter>.

When subscribing to a Channel event, the Event topic component must include the channel ID: CHN<channelId>.

When subscribing to an Update event, the Event topic component must include the Update filter: UPD<filter>.

When subscribing to a Call event, the Event topic component must include the operation name: CLL<operationname>.

When subscribing to an Associate event, the Event topic component must include the IO context name: ASC<contextName>.

When subscribing to a response event, the CorrelationID topic component must include the CorrelationID of the correlated request.

Message Payloads

Message payloads for the Coaty events described above consist of attribute-value pairs in JavaScript Object Notation format (JSON, see RFC 4627).

Message payloads for Raw and IoValue events must be published on WAMP Arguments as an array with one element containing the raw data; all other events must be published on WAMP Keyword Arguments as JSON object data directly.

Message payloads must be serialized with the WAMP MessagePack v5 serializer (not with the JSON serializer). This serializer can also directly serialize binary data of Raw events and raw IoValue events. Event data of these events consists of a byte array encoded in any application-specific format.

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